KARATE WINNERS — The Houlton class of Graves Institute of Self Defense collected 25 trophies at the recent summer kick-off tourney, in a day that featured ring sparring, throwing and falling, and power and accuracy punching and kicking. In front from left are, Noah Jackins, second, jujitsu; Jenna Rand, third, kumite; Teagan Ewings, third, jujitsu; Seth Rand, third, kumite; Ben Lowery, second, jujitsu; and Kody McCordic, third, kumite, and second, jujitsu. Middle row, Olivia Gervais, third, jujitsu; Hanna Gervais, second, kumite; Jacob Jones, first, impactor, and second, kumite; Kyal Prosser, third, kumite; and Nancy Gervais, first, senior women impactor. Back row, Sensei Jay Holck, third, jujitsu; Josh Haney, second, kumite, and second, jujitsu; Daniel Coville, third, jujitsu; Hillary Nason, third, jujitsu, and third, kumite; Donald Devoe, first, impactor, and third, kumite; John Sanders, first, impactor; second, jujitsu; and third, kumite; Sensei Steve Chabot, third, jujitsu. Classes are held Mondays from 6:30-8 p.m. Contact Sensei Chabot a 532-7052 or Sensei Holck at 538-6112 for more information.