Scout news
Jared Andrew Reed was presented his Eagle Award on July 19 at a ceremony held at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in Caribou. Jared’s friends, fellow Boy Scouts and family members gathered to celebrate this major accomplishment.
Scoutmaster Larry Harrison conducted the ceremony, and he read several letters sent for Jared by dignitaries from the national level as well as from around the state of Maine. Fellow Eagle Scout Jensen Reed issued Jared the Eagle Challenge. Jared also gave his Mentor Pin to his grandfather, Jackie Reed, during the ceremony.
Jared is a valued member of Boy Scout Troop 177 of Washburn and his Eagle project consisted of constructing new window boxes for the front of the Washburn Memorial Library as well as a set of bookshelves which spanned the length of a wall in the downstairs part of the library. Jared’s woodworking class at WDHS assisted him by providing the materials for the boxes, and fellow students assisted him in the construction phase. Fellow Scouts and especially Jared’s grandfather were key in constructing the bookshelves.
Jared’s family is very proud of him as a son, grandson and brother, as well as attaining this, the highest rank in Boy Scouting. Jared is currently enrolled in the Electrical Construction and Maintenance program at Northern Maine Community College. He is the son of Patricia and Jim Reed, of Wade.
Those celebrating birthdays this week include: Dixon Creasey Jr., Lola Jackson, John Robertson, Ricky Bragg, Helen Conroy, Matt Palmer, Thomas Drost, A. John Drost, Timothy Howard, Renee Conley, Travis Chandler, Andrew Vaughn, Jason Powell, Stephen Nason, Wayne LaBarrie, Kevin Levesque, Emily Robertson, Lena Bucklin, Robert Maynard, Shelly Tarbox, Elwood Doody, Debra Forbes and Frank Doughman.
Anniversary wishes go out to: Scott and Susan Whipkey and Graydon K. and Lori Buckingham.
There will be a meeting for the Washburn Water and Sewer District on Monday, Sept. 8, at the Civic Center at 5 p.m. This will be followed by the regular September meeting of the Washburn Town Council at 7 p.m.
TOPS will be meeting each Monday at the Washburn Trailrunners clubhouse, starting with weigh-in at 4:15 p.m. and the meeting from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. For further information, contact Birdena Cochran at 455-8353.
The Salmon Brook Historical Society will be holding their quarterly meeting on Sept. 25 at the Washburn Civic Center at 6 p.m. There will be a potluck supper followed by a business meeting. Please bring a main dish or dessert and a place setting. Bring your friends and neighbors. All are welcome.
Friendly Coop will be taking orders the week of Sept. 1-5. The delivery date will be Friday, Sept. 12. Please phone your order in to Brenda at 455-8421 or send by e-mail at
“Perham History Book”
The Perham Ladies Group is looking for town history information and more photos to be included in their next edition of the “Perham History Book.” Volunteers are also welcome to join the group. For more information, contact Joan Connolly at 455-4433 or 455-8340 or Ellie Snyder at 455-8016.
Anyone interested in joining the County Guild of Farmers and Artisans is urged to contact Debra Viola at 498-3433 or Gary Kaszas at 554-7773. This group is involved in discovering new ways of providing energy and viable ways of energy-saving farming.
More information can be found on the Web at
Rec Center schedule
There will be Soccer practice on Thursday, Sept. 4, from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. for grades 3 and 4. Grades 5 and 6 practice from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m.
On Saturday, Sept. 6, there will be a Soccer Round Robin held at Fort Fairfield for grades 5 and 6. Phone Marcie at 455-4959 for times.
On Monday, Sept. 8, Men’s basketball will be held at the high school gym from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.
On Tuesday, Sept. 9, Grades K-2 will be having a Soccer game at Easton. Bus leaves the elementary school at 4:30 p.m. and game starts at 5:30 p.m.
Christie Cochran is the correspondent for Washburn, Wade and Perham. She can be reached at 455-8034 or
Photo courtesy of Christie Cochran
JARED REED was promoted to Eagle Scout during a recent ceremony held in Caribou. Here, Scoutmaster Larry Harrison congratulates Reed on making the highest rank in Boy Scouts.
Photo courtesy of Christie Cochran
PROUD PARENTS – Patricia and Jim Reed stand with their son, Jared Reed, following their son’s promotion to Eagle Scout during a ceremony held in Caribou in July.
Photo courtesy of Christie Cochran
TRAVELING MUSIC was provided by Paul Clayton and Friends, above.
Photo courtesy of Christie Cochran
AVA LYNN POWERS, at left, held by Kaylie Winklmann, rode on a float sponsored by Kids Count Daycare.
Photo courtesy of Christie Cochran
The Tilley family enjoyed a fine barbeque at Squa Pan Lake cooked by “Chef” Blyn Tilley who was ably assisted by his wife, “Boomer” Tilley.
Photo courtesy of Christie Cochran
THIS WAS THE DONATION van for the Mill Pond restoration fund. The van was driven by Murray Sponberg and following behind were Washburn Town Manager Andrea Powers and husband Francis Powers.