Perfect weekend for North Country Cruisers’ Shine and Show

16 years ago

By Karen Donato-Duff
Special to the Pioneer Times

    The North Country Cruisers held their annual Classic Car and Truck Show at the Southern Aroostook Agricultural Museum in Littleton on August 23 and 24. This was their largest gathering with 185 participants.
ImagePhoto courtesy of Karen Donato-Duff
WELL WORTH THE TRIP — Robert Russell of Dresden, left, received trophies for Best in Show and the People’s Choice Award from President Mike Marshall of the North Country Cruisers.
    The museum yard was filled with a variety of very old and very new automobiles, as well as a couple of vintage trailer trucks and several farm tractors. Car show enthusiasts came from all over Maine, as well as Canada. Several hundred people viewed the antique and classic cars and trucks from early Sunday morning until late afternoon.
    Awards were handed out in a variety of classes with the two major awards — Best in Show and the People’s Choice Award — going to Robert Russell from Dresden for his 2004 Chevy truck. Russell had bought the pickup to use as a work truck when someone suggested he take it to an Auto Show. The first time he entered it four years ago, he won a 4-inch trophy and from then on he was hooked! He travels throughout Maine showing this beautiful red vehicle that he has dedicated to the all American veterans. Just recently he led the Veteran’s Parade at the Togus Veteran’s Center in Augusta.
ImagePhoto courtesy of Karen Donato-Duff
TEETER TOTTER — Rachel Carmichael tries to balance this jalopy during the 20-second time frame. It’s harder than you think!

    Russell said that he was not a veteran himself, but he loves those soldiers that have sacrificed their lives for our country here and abroad. He is accompanied to the shows by his wife, Nancy and daughter, Shannon — his “pit crew,” This truck is a work of art inside and out. Even the inside of the wheel wells were painted with the flag design of red, white and blue and also the interior of the truck bed was magnificent. His license plate reads, “SGT ROCK.”
    Another couple, Guildor and Carlene Lagace came from Grand Falls, N.B. with their red and white, 2000 Mustang. Guildor had ordered a plain Jane Mustang and has customized it from stem to stern. It has new bumpers in the front and back, with an extra taillight on each side that operates in a sequential pattern when the turn signal is on. All of the lighting is LED and some of it operates by remote control.
ImagePhoto courtesy of Karen Donato-Duff
ROAD HAZARD – North Country Cruisers member Rick Spellman, left, guides Conrad Connors, who is blindfolded, around the course at the North Country Classic Car Show with an Arctic Prowler donated for the day by Houlton Power Sports.

    Legace has changed the seat coverings with all red and white naugahyde that was designed by his wife. He has a CD player, mp3 player, GPS system, satellite radio, a video camera for back-up safety, yellow and blue fog lights and a hidden compartment for personal belongings that locks when the car is locked. The doors either open out or slide up above the car. This is a far cry from the old Model-T!
    His wife, Carlene is the official buffer; she just completed her 42 buffing job this weekend! It was worth it as they took home another trophy, and had received one during the 4th of July weekend in Houlton for Best Looking.
ImagePhoto courtesy of Karen Donato-Duff
18-WHEEL NOSTALGIA — Ernest York of Mars Hill entered this vintage trailer truck, used to haul potatoes in the 1940s and ‘50s.

    Fans lined up along the driveway to watch the popular “Teeter Totter”. The participants had 20 seconds to sustain a balance of their vehicle. It was quite a challenge and fun to watch. Jay Clark, vice president of the Agricultural Museum even took a turn!
    Another fun activity was the Blind Man Driver. Two participants at a time were required for this contest where the driver was blindfolded and a partner guided him/her along the course, going in and around a variety of traffic cones. Houlton Power Sports donated an Arctic Cat Prowler for this event.
ImagePhoto courtesy of Karen Donato-Duff
18-WHEEL NOSTALGIA — Ernest York of Mars Hill entered this vintage trailer truck, used to haul potatoes in the 1940s and ‘50s.

    Spectators enjoyed great food from the canteen which sold out by the end of the day, music by Raymond Saunders and lots of door prizes. Families enjoyed the museum grounds and picnicked and visited with friends and acquaintances. Museum volunteers were busy both Saturday showing visitors through the many displays in their buildings. At the end of the day the participants left in their parade of vehicles, some going north, while others headed south. Quite a sight to see!
    If you are interested in joining the North Country Cruisers please contact President Michael Marshall at 532-2313. Memberships are $25 per year and the group meets at the North Road DOC station or the Lake Road Market in New Limerick the first and third Thursdays of the month.
ImagePhoto courtesy of Karen Donato-Duff
SHOW AND SHINE — It was a perfect weekend Aug. 23-24 for the North Country Cruisers classic car and truck show as the Southern Aroostook Agricultural Museum yard was filled with vehicles and spectators.