Remember that tomorrow, Thursday, the Easton Recreation Department will be holding a Fall Crafts Day at the West Ridge Manor for senior citizens. Last year was wreath making. Let’s see how creative you can be this year. Please bring a sandwich filling to share with the group.
The Easton Parent/Teachers Organization wants to remind people in Easton that the deadline for getting their recipes in for their new recipe book is close. They want to get the recipes to the printer during harvest break. Got some? Let us try them.
Another big barn raising was in progress on the Amish farm just a ways from Easton Center on the Ladner Road. On Thursday and Friday people were parked along the side of the roads to watch this amazing work.
Nathaniel Bruce White, son of Bruce and Elaine White, has achieved extraordinary academic achievement at Bentley College. The provost and vice president for academic affairs, Robert Galliers, and dean of arts and science, Catherine Davy, recently named him to the president’s list for the spring semester as a senior majoring in accounting. To be named to the president’s list, a full-time student must have a grade-point average of 3.7 or higher with no course grade below 3.0 during the term.
Our congratulations also goes out to Shelby Marie Wilcox, of Easton, who graduated from the University of Maine at Presque Isle with a GPA average of 3.5-3.699 at the May graduation. Korrin Larissa Patterson also received her degree from UMPI at this time. Well done.
Ruth Ladner, from Berlin, Germany, spent five weeks here with her mother, Arlene Ladner, helping with special work on the house. While visiting, she and Arlene, along with Arlene’s sister, Ada Perley, of Perth Andover, New Brunswick, and Mary Ellen Trainer, of Presque Isle, went to Sydney, N.Y., to spend some time with Arlene’s son, Marvin, and his wife, Donna. They spent a few days there and then went to Washington, D.C., where they were guest of Van Kinney and his two sons, Joe and David, who live just outside Washington, in Maryland. From Van’s home they visited with Marvin’s daughter, who works at George Washington University. They also toured the Capitol, the Aero Space Museum, and the Holocaust Museum and visited all of the war memorials. The group returned home on Aug. 11 and the next day Marvin and Donna arrived. Marvin did some carpenter work for his mother before returning home. Ruth returned to Berlin on Aug. 25. It has been a busy summer for Arlene.
Darrell Cullins, of Eagle River, Alaska, has been home for a week to visit with his mother, Vera Cullins. While here his son, Raymond and Raymond’s son, Liam, and daughter, Grace, of New Glochester, Mass., came to spend several days while his father was here. They also visited with Robert Cullins and his family so that the cousins could play and stay acquainted with each other.
Many Easton citizens were saddened by the news that 90-year-old Harold “Had” Ireland had passed away at the Mars Hill Health Care Facility on Thursday, Aug. 28. Had was a lifetime citizen of Easton and well-known as a man who would do anything he could to help people. He was a member of the Easton United Baptist Church and worked for many Easton farmers until he went to work for Vahlsing Co. where he worked for most of his life. He always had a great outlook on life and passed it on. He is survived by a son, James Ireland, of Fort Fairfield, and two daughters, Carol Weston and family, of Montville, and Ada Robinson and family of Biloxi, Miss. He leaves eight grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. He was predeceased by his wife, Stella, several years ago and as well as four brothers and one sister. There was a graveside service on Sunday, Aug. 30, at Estes Park Cemetery, in Easton, with the Rev. John Leber officiating. Our sympathy goes out to James, Carol and Ada and their families.
Word has also been received of the unexpected death of Sylvia Fuller, in Illinois. Sylvia fell down a flight of stairs and never recovered. She was the youngest daughter of Louise and Dwight Fuller. She was around 64 years old and a graduate of Easton High School. She leaves two sisters, Sally and Susan. More may be available later. It is believed that she will be brought back to Easton for burial.
Rec news
Harvest newsletters are available at the Town Office.
Rec calendar
Wednesday, Sept. 3 – Junior activities at the hall from 9:30-11 a.m. This program is up to children ages 2 through ECP students. Senior exercise at 1 p.m.. at the manor recreation room. Game Day after school at the hall until 4:30 p.m.
Thursday, Sept. 4 – Seniors’ Fall Crafts at the manor at 11 a.m. Please bring a sandwich topping/filling to share with the group. Grade 3 and 4 soccer from 3-4:15 p.m. on the recreation soccer field.
Friday, Sept. 5 – Junior activities at the hall from 9:30-11 a.m. Senior Game Day at manor at 11:15 a.m. Please bring a bag lunch.
Monday, Sept. 6 – Seniors’ Nutrition Class starting at 11 a.m. at the manor. The cost is $2 food. Grade 3 and 4 soccer vs. Ashland at 3:15 p.m. on the field behind the playground.
Tuesday, Sept. 9 – Grade 1 and 2 vs. Washburn at 5:30 p.m. Children should be at the field by 5:10 p.m.
Wednesday, Sept. 10 – Junior activities at the hall from 9:30-11 a.m. Senior exercise at 1 p.m. at the manor recreation room. Potato Day after school until 4:30 p.m. at the hall.
Eldora Carter is the correspondent for Easton. She can be reached at 488-5961.
Photo courtesy of Eldora Carter
Rebecca LeGassie of RSVP spoke to the Easton Happy Days Senior Citizens’ Club on their first meeting of the month of August. She warned the people there to be especially careful about the fuel situation this year. She said many oil companies are asking for cash on delivery and that they have to take at least 100 gallons to be delivered. She said that the Maine Public Service Co. would audit your home on heat loss for free and that you should call ACAP for information on heating help. She also stated that 30 in Easton had not signed up for the stimulus payment that they are entitled to receive. She encouraged the seniors to check on those whom they think might have problems this winter.
Photo courtesy of Eldora Carter
HUSBANDS and all, beware! These are the winners of the Skillet Throwing Contest at the Easton Field Days games. From left: Rebecca Allen and Arianna Babineau.
Photo courtesy of Eldora Carter
JACQUELINE LUNDEEN, Maine state representative, presented retiring Town Manager Jackie Bradley with a Certificate of Appreciation for her 23 years of service to the town of Easton during a recent open house at the Town Office.
Photo courtesy of Eldora Carter
THE EASTON team who were runners-up in the Easton Field Days Basketball Tournament are, from left, front row: Coach Travis Carter, Chris Flewelling, Luke Fuller, Garrett Gray, Zack Clark, Jonah Bacon, Jeff Condon and Holden Turner. Back row: Sam Bacon, Brad Trask, Reid Clark, Corey White, Jake Bacon, Cody Tompkins and C.J. Beaton. This team lost to the Mars Hill team, 45 to 49.