Students recognized as lay counselors

16 years ago

    Presque Isle — Fifteen students from Maine and New Brunswick were awarded distinction as certified lay counselors by Transformations, LLC, following a graduation ceremony on Saturday, June 14.

Image Photo courtesy of Transformations
    Students awarded the distinction of certified lay counselors by Transformations, LLC, recognized during a recent graduation ceremony, include, back row, from left: Valerie Shipp, Woodstock, N.B.; Rita Griffin, Westfield; Bunny Berube, Fort Kent; Nancy Nichols, instructor; Sandra Martin, Woodstock, N.B.; Nancy Washington, Presque Isle; Beth Pickens, Castle Hill; and Wanda Holmes, Presque Isle. Front row: Chris Wall, Caribou; Anne Lunn, Caribou; Adele Eamer, Woodstock, N.B.; Carla Masters, Westfield; Bonnie Drew, Presque Isle; and Rebekah Lewis, Woodstock, N.B. Lay counselors provide support to their churches and communities by providing support based in faith to families and individuals who are hurting and in need of spiritual help and guidance. The next 15-month training session will be held in Presque Isle starting in January 2009. The classes are open to anyone interested in helping their community. Topics of study during the class include handling relationships, anxiety and depression in addition to spiritual guidance.

    The Certified Lay Counselor Program is an intensive 15-month course conducted by Transformations, LLC, and accredited through the American Association of Christian Counselors.
    This scripturally-based training program integrates classroom instruction with opportunities for practical application regarding topics such as: biblical counseling, depression, anxiety, sexual abuse, effective people-helping skills, forgiveness, anger, divorce, relationships, anxiety, grief and ethical issues.
    Lay counselors are committed to supporting their local churches and communities by providing faith-based support to hurting families and individuals. 2008 graduates are currently employed in a variety of medical, educational and social service professions and are actively leading or ministering within their local church.
    Graduates include: Bunny Berube, Diane Pinette (Fort Kent), Bonnie Drew, Wanda Holmes, Nancy Washington (Presque Isle), Sharron Knox (Easton), Beth Pickens (Castle Hill), Valerie Slipp, Sandra Martin, Adele Eamer, Rebekah Lewis (Woodstock, NB)
    The next session of the Lay Counselor Training Program begins Jan. 10, 2009 in Presque Isle. This course is open to the public and designed for those who wish to integrate a faith component to client services or ministry outreach.
    Individuals, clergy, ministry leaders medical providers, social service and mental health professionals will all benefit from this unique and timely training opportunity.
    Classes are presented by licensed therapists and certificates for continuing education hours are available upon request.
    For more information regarding the certified lay counselor training program, or to request a copy of Transformations’ 2008-09 calendar, call 768-3400.