The upcoming winter season

16 years ago

    Much has been written lately about how people will struggle paying their fuel bills this winter. This is an issue that has the potential to impact everyone, either directly or indirectly. You will be directly impacted if your personal and family finances can’t keep pace with the energy costs. You will be indirectly impacted if your family and/or friends can’t pay their energy bills. In either case, this is an issue that impacts everyone.     Like others, I wish I had an answer as the winter approaches. The truth is, no one has the answer. But, it can be found in searching and knowing what resources are available to help. It is a solution only found by everyone working together. Here are some suggestions:
    • Plan ahead. Waiting until the last moment when you might be out of fuel or are facing an electrical disconnection is not the answer.
    • Keep in touch with your providers. It has been my experience that most fuel companies and the electrical company will work with you to the best of their ability if you keep in touch with them. Most are willing to establish monthly payment plans to help spread out energy costs over the entire year.
    • Do what you can now. Inspect your home and see if there are lower cost items to save energy, especially insulation around windows and doors.
    • Conserve where you can. Turning down the thermostat and turning off lights when not in use helps save on costs.
    • Know your resources. There are several agencies that have prepared energy resource guides that include Aroostook Area Agency on Aging (764-3396), United Way’s 211 resource telephone number and the State of Maine’s Web site. And, agencies like the Aroostook County Action Program (764-3721) administer the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program while communities in Maine, including Presque Isle (764-2515), administer a general assistance program that may be able to assist with energy costs.
    • Watch out for one another. If you know someone who may be struggling with energy costs this winter check in on them on a regular basis, especially the homebound and elderly.
    • Give where you can. There are ample opportunities to give to your favorite charity or church for those who need help paying their energy bills this winter.
    I’m sure that there are other ways to prepare for the upcoming winter, so be creative in your thinking. Together, we can help one another along the way.
    Thomas Stevens, Presque Isle city manager, can be contacted at 764-4485 or online at