RC&D Council plans annual tour

16 years ago

    The St. John Aroostook Resource Conservation and Development Area Council will be holding its annual tour on Monday, Sept. 15.     The tour will be of the Boralex woodchip biomass to electricity plant in Ashland. In addition, wood chipper and tub grinder production sites operating on Seven Islands land in the woods west of Ashland will also be toured. Eric Dumond, responsible for woodchip procurement for Boralex, will be providing presentations and answering questions at the tour sites and at the plant regarding the differences in gear, products, the nature of the work, wood chip generators, etc. Transportation (two 12-passenger vans) and lunch will be provided by the RC&D Council. There is no registration fee.
     This is a great opportunity to see what turning wood biomass into electricity is all about.
    If you plan on participating in the tour, please reply to skip.babineau@me.usda.gov or call Skip at 764-4126 ext. 5 by Thursday, Sept. 11. Please let Skip know if you will be taking a van from Presque Isle or will be meeting and taking a van from the Boralex entrance gate in Ashland.