To the editor:
Well over a month ago the Houlton Town Council (HTC) wanted to sit down with the Board of Budget Review (BBR) in a workshop and discuss the up coming 2009 budget and where we were with the current budget numbers. The BBR Chairman asked that council inform him in writing as to the particulars.
I received a phone call from the Town Office and was asked if I could attend the workshop on 10 September 08 around 6 or 6:30 p.m. I indicated at that time that it was OK for me but to clear it with our BBR chairman.
Without consultation with the BBR chairman a letter was issued 8-29-08 to all members of the BBR and HTC. It informed us that a workshop would be held 9-10-08 at 6 p.m. as well as an agenda. It also states by name three BBR whose terms have expired but were invited. Let me assure you that no member’s term has expired.
The BBR members are separate from the HTC and we have our own chairman. I have yet to find any legal authority giving the council the right to expire any BBR member including the chairman unless the council is trying to overthrow the BBR and then one has to wonder what is the council hiding. The people elect the members of the BBR or the BBR members appoint them when a member resigns.
The Council Chairman inserted himself as the moderator without any consultation with the BBR Chairman. During the Labor Day weekend I discovered that I had a conflict with the 9-10 date and I faxed a letter 9-1-08 to the Town Office informing them of my conflict and asked them if the workshop could be moved to 9-11? I also clearly stated my objection to the moderator and felt that both chairs could manage their respective boards thus preserving our separate elected bodies. I also expressed my distrust with council as a moderator after their most recent actions as the Shiretown Development Directors both in unauthorized use of town property and removal of a director — as one director put it they wanted to have control.
It then came to my attention that the BBR chairman on 9-2-08 asked that the workshop be moved to 9-11 as he had just returned to work due to a mill shutdown. He was informed that the workshop would not be moved. The BBR chairman citing the fact that the workshop would not be moved asked that his letter be sent to the council and BBR members, he also asked that the proceedings be televised, proper notice given and that all documents be disseminated and no last-minute paperwork.
After informing the Town on 9-3 that I had made other arraignments and that I could attend on 9-10, that in the letter the BBR chairman had appointed myself as chairman for 9-10 only. I appreciate the BBR chairman’s decision and I have assured him that his way of chairing the BBR would be no different on this date. I also respect the BBR chairman’s position not to surrender our chair to the council.
The BBR chairman and myself have had our differences, but setting those aside we worked together to do our best to cut the budget where we could and we found those common ground areas which helped to accomplish it from our position. We are though always reminded that we as the BBR can only recommend to the council and the council can completely disregard what we recommend and they have done so on a regular basis.
Ask these questions, why no BBR workshop with council, why are the details missing now from the agenda, why did the town office not pass on communications from the BBR chairman to the other board members, why did the town office not return calls or answer questions submitted or other correspondence to the BBR, what is it that the council is afraid may be asked, disclosed or discussed at the workshop? I do know this much, while the town office and council was telling you they had $1.2 million I disclosed to you that all they really had was $500,000. If they were willing to pretend to have $700,000 more than what they really had, what else are they pretending to tell you?
Stan Ginish, member Board of Budget Review