By Riva Hawkes
Joanne (Jenkins) Wodd and husband, Ed, arrived Aug. 30th, to spend Labor Day at their cottage on Mattawamkeag Lake. They are also in the process of having some work there and wanted to inspect what had been done. They had great weather while here and have now returned home to Wilton, New Hampshire.
Gail (Sewall Kennett and husband, John have returned home to Scarborough after spending a week here with Gail’s father, Sam. While here I’m sure they enjoyed lots of fresh vegetables from Sam’s big garden.
Clayton and Charlene Webb visited the Springfield Fair recently, spending all day there. The next day they journeyed to Sherman to take in the Old Home Days activities there, which included enjoying all the music which went on most of the time. A grand finale to all the summer activities that we look forward to next year.
Went out inspecting for skunk holes the other day and, thankfully, did not find as many as last week. Did a lot of trimming of growth along the borders of my lawn and in the process got bitten by “no-seeums” on and around my ankles. Boy did that itch and burn until I got some cream on it. Mosquitoes did not seem to bad but they are sure still around.
Had to chase a cat away from my feeders the other day so I may not put out too much for the birds right now. Will wait ‘til it gets cooler.
Still haven’t seen the doe and fawn for some time. Lot of apple drops around so maybe they don’t need to graze in my back yard right now. Still keep an eye out for them every morning and evening.
Mrs. Ruth Frazier has recently been hired by the town of Island Falls as the new recreation director. Anyone interested in being on the recreation committee or if any one has any suggestions as to what activities they would like, please call the town office and leave a message for Mrs. Frazier, who will be happy to hear any ideas they may have and to talk with any one who would like to be on the committee.