To the editor:
It appears the strategy emanating from Democratic National Convention for use against Republicans in this fall’s campaigns is to tie every Republican candidate to President George Bush. They are using voting records as a means of affirming that a candidate voted with Republicans, therefore, Bush. What they don’t tell you is that they count votes to adjourn, go on vacation, votes to give an award or declare “National Peanut Butter Day”. If these were all used against a candidate, Rep. Tom Allen would be in big trouble since he has voted with his party 99 percent of the time. Maybe he didn’t like the Peanut Butter Day concept.
I have never met Senator Susan Collins but I have read a lot about her. She has a wonderful record of crossing the aisle to work with democratic colleges in solving problems for we Mainer’s and all Americans. In a particular example she recently collaborated with Mary Landrieu, (D-Louisiana) to write piece of bipartisan legislation to help make health care affordable for all Americans. This is legislation that would never have passed without democratic support and her hard work.
Sen. Collins also works closely with Sen. Joe Lieberman, (I),Connecticut, as ranking member on the Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee. She and the Senator are both moderate, independent thinking senators who work hard to make progress on some very difficult issues against great pressure by powerful people. We need people like Senator Collins to continue to represent Maine in the spirit other great Maine politicians that have gone before.
Please don’t let the Obama buzz distract you from making that checkmark by Senator Collin’s name, Maine needs her!
Terry Hamm-Morris
Mars Hill