To the editor:
I’m writing to comment about the recent announcement by former Republican U.S. Senate Candidate Robert A.G. Monks and Mrs. Sherry Huber that they are forming a “Republicans for Obama” group. As a member of the Republican Wing of the Republican Party, I would suggest it would have been more appropriate for Mr. Monks and Mrs. Huber to announce they had changed their political party affiliation from Republican to Democrat.
The Republican Party has nominated Sen. John McCain and Gov. Sarah Palin as our standard bearers for reform and change in Washington. This nomination carries with it the responsibility to represent the Platform of the National Republican Party, a Platform based on individual rights and accountability, free markets, limited government, lower taxes and American Energy Independence.
Sens. Obama and Biden represent a completely opposite world view to Sen. McCain and Gov. Palin, a world view in which the individual becomes subservient to a federal Nanny-State, more government intervention and control in our economy and lives, more and higher taxes and a return to former President Jimmy Carter’s disastrous energy policy.
There is a re-formation of the Maine Republican Party brewing along traditional conservative lines, one that favors a reduction in the size, cost and influence of government at all levels, lower taxes, and an energy policy for Maine that involves off-shore drilling for gas and oil, nuclear and tidal power as well as private sector development of alternative energy resources.
While Mr. Monks and Mrs. Huber have every right to support and vote for the Obama-Biden ticket, I would suggest these two well-respected Maine citizens might consider leading what has become the Democratic Wing of the Republican Party of Maine to re-enroll in the Democratic Party where the Obama-Biden world view resides.
Likewise, those of us who hold a more traditional conservative world view encourage like-minded Democrats and Independents to join us in re-forming the Republican Party of Maine into a new conservative majority.
Republican State Committee
Presque Isle