Dale Carnegie training to be held

16 years ago

    Dale Carnegie Training® of Maine is offering northern Maine businesses the opportunity to develop key employees. The company is holding a dynamic, three-day professional development seminar in Presque Isle on October 14, 21 and 28. This seminar is designed to help participants’ master skills to excel in today’s competitive workplace.     Chester M. Kearney, CPA’s, sent four employees to the program in Presque Isle last June.
    “I have increased self confidence in public speaking and everyday communications with clients and business associates. I am equipped with powerful communication tools that allow me to keep give clear and concise presentations,” said Chad Bartley, stockholder at the firm. “We have benefited as a team at Chester M. Kearney by taking the program together. Our individual skills have improved as well as our interactions with each other. “
    The seminar package includes an Internet-based reinforcement program that delivers relevant, interactive, daily lessons directly to a computer for 12 months.
The format is designed to accommodate a busy professional who wants to master the skills but cannot free up the extended time to do it.
    The program is accredited by ACE (American Council on Education) for college credit and ACCET (accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training) for CEUs, and CPEs for accountants, dentists, and realtors.
    For additional information contact Megan Beals, training consultant at ms_beals@hotmail.com. This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it or phone her at 538-6476.