Kiwanis donates to Cary

16 years ago

Contributed photo
    A donation of baby safety items  was recently given to the Maternal/Child department at Cary Medical Center by the Caribou Kiwanis Club.
The donations originated from the Pediatric Trauma Center in Boston and were collected by the New England Kiwanis Club. Each Mom who has a baby at Cary Medical Center will go home with a package of outlet covers; a rubber duck, which shows the word, “hot” when baby’s bath water is too warm and other baby safety information. The Housekeeping Department also received a donation of outlet covers to use around the hospital for outlets that children may have access to. The purpose of this donation is to promote infant/child safety. In front, from left are: Jen Plante and Amy Jackson. In back are: Warren Dobson, Pat Dobson, Glenna Searles, Laurie Michaud and Karen Woodall.