Not impressed with Palin or McCain

16 years ago

To the editor:
    The Aroostook Republican, 09/19/2008, published a letter to the editor, under the rubric “Impressed with McCain’s runningmate” by Peter V. Pinette. I’m not impressed with Sarah Palin, for that matter, I’m not terribly impressed with Sen. McCain at this point.     Sen. McCain, as did Sarah Palin, supported the Iraq war. I have listened carefully to Sen. McCain recently and he is saying that we need to give more tax cuts to billionaires to continue to ship jobs offshore, while people burn their furniture to stay warm and die from lack of health care.
    We don’t need four more years of the Bush Dynasty. America has traded away the sweat equity that our parents left us on a vague promise of global trade being the world’s economic answer. Now we can argue about weather life begins at conception, but a neonatal child is life and I am told that we have incinerated thousands of Iraqi babies and previously killed thousands more with our sanctions.
    Sarah is a nice enough lady, but she doesn’t have the depth to be trusted with the nuclear trigger. The extent of her decision skills seem to be that she was the mayor of a town the size of Fort Kent; she got more pork per capita for Alaska than any state in America and fired the head of the state troopers.
    I would also take issue with the statement by Peter V. Pinette, that Sen. Obama supports lifting all restrictions on Roe vs. Wade. Sen. Obama is pro-choice, not anti-life. Women and professional medical people should be allowed to make those terribly difficult decisions without the federal government meddling into their lives. Plus, overturning Roe vs. Wade would only hurt people at the lower end of the income scale. The rich can always jump into their private jets and go to China, or wherever.
    Finally, if we continue to treat women like chattel they will eventually rebel and wipe out the human race by simply refusing to have children period.
James L. Pinette