Staff Writer
PRESQUE ISLE – At a time when businesses typically compete for customers and their dollars, several local entrepreneurs are coming together to raise money to benefit others in need this holiday season. Susan Czosnek and Kelly Mathes, owners of The Kitchen & Bath Shop, have joined with Kathy Dubay, independent director for Pampered Chef; MaryEllen Chasse, independent consultant for Southern Living at Home; and Sharon Dorsey, consultant for Tastefully Simple to raise monies for the benefit of spreading awareness of domestic violence and provide support for those diagnosed with breast cancer and help fund cancer research.
“On Thursday, Nov. 20, from 4 to 7 p.m., The Kitchen & Bath Shop, located at 2 Read Rd. in Presque Isle, will host a party where participant can sample, use and buy products from these three popular lines of kitchen and home accessories,” said Mathes.
Displays will be set up throughout the facility for patrons to get a closer look at the many products available.
“The party will feature stations throughout the store where participants may try out the various tools, food and decorating pieces,” said Mathes.
Sale proceeds will directly benefit domestic violence programs and cancer research.
Mathes said that this event will allow customers to get a start on their holiday shopping while supporting a worthy cause.
“If you are interested in supporting this event but cannot attend, you can order merchandise by calling The Kitchen & Bath Shop at 769-9990,” said Mathes.
The event is open to the public and all are welcome.