Operation Holiday Cheer
The Easton High School Key Club have announced that it is adopting Operation Holiday Cheer (OHC) to provide a holiday gift to the children of military families in Maine. OHC was founded to provide a holiday gift to the children of military families in New England and New York.
Key Clubs throughout New England and New York have banded together and committed to raise $50,000 to help raise the money needed to provide a holiday gift to over 65,000 children of military families.
“With over 9,000 children in Maine that have a parent serving in the military during the holidays, this program will have a significant impact on the lives of a large number of children that have always suffered in silence and asked for nothing,” said Sam Bacon, Easton’s Key Club president. “It’s time we sacrifice a snack or energy drink to help ensure that no child is refused a gift due to the lack of funding.”
Military families can register for the program on the official Web site www.KiwanisOperationHolidayCheer.org or can call the main office at 221-0296. Gifts are delivered on a first-come, first-serve basis, based upon the amount of funds raised. Individual donations are also being sought with name recognition of the donors on the OHC Web site. Any donations raised will be used solely to assist the families living in Maine.
Bacon SAID “I am confident that the people of Maine will donate generously to ensure helping us raise our goal. The time for bumper sticker slogans is over – it is time for us to show meaningful support to our troops and their families.”
For more information or to make a contribution, please contact: Easton High School, Mrs. Paula Giles, 488-7702.
American Legion
The Pattee-Page Post 187 American Legion of Easton held their monthly meeting on Nov. 10 at the Odd Fellows Hall. The meeting was called to order by Commander Robert Clark, with a salute to the flag and the Legion Preamble. There was no secretary’s report because the secretary had to work and the treasurer’s report was not read because he had the flu and was unable to attend.
Under the Sick Call, it was reported that George Dinsmore had recently been released from a hospital in Florida. He suffered with severe flu.
It was reported that there are 26 members, as of now, in the Pattee-Page Post.
Under New Business, it was decided to hold the Legion Christmas Party at the Odd Fellow’s Hall, on Dec. 8 at 6:30 p.m., with a potluck supper.
The commander also brought to the group’s attention that a decision must be made soon on what to do about the Legion Hall building. It was also mentioned to the group that if anyone has a V.A. identification card, they can get a 10 percent discount at both Lowe’s and Home Depot.
They were also told of the sudden death of a former hometown boy and an Army veteran, Charley Wolverton.
The commander then introduced the guest speaker, Department Vice Commander Andy Olson, who spoke on membership and the fact that Maine’s membership is dropping. He said the department is working on recruiting and that sometimes posts can find members through transfers.
He also told the group about an opportunity to have a computer setup in their homes for the sum of $195.
He repeated a story that had been told to him about a B52 operation and how they survived the attacks and that a book of these stories has been written.
The vice commander proceeded to present six medals to Paul Mullen who was really in the thick of things during World War II and had never received the medals he so deserved. Knowing the prankster that Paul is, when he was presented the Good Conduct medal, the room filled with laughter. He said it was for good behavior, but that’s doubtful.
The group was reminded of the dinner to be held at the Easton Elementary School at 12:30 p.m. on Nov. 13 where the Easton veterans would be honored after the meal. They were told that the school would like to have a service picture and a present one of them if available of those attending.
Bernard Hussey read the closing prayer and the meeting was closed by Commander Clark.
United Methodist Women
The Easton United Methodist Women will not be holding their annual Craft and Bake Good Sale this year. There just isn’t enough who can do the work that this sale demands.
Cookbooks soon for sale
The Easton Parent Community Organization (EPCO) wants the residents of Easton to know that their cookbooks will soon be out for sale and that the Organization is still collecting General Mills Box Tops For Education. They earned $354 last year with this project. The Easton schools are once again participating in the Hannaford Helps Schools program. Receipts from Hannaford stores can be turned into the school or placed in the Easton School Department box at Grave’s Shop N’ Save. Used ink cartridges and cell phones can be left at the box in the elementary school office. These can be recycled for cash. The Easton Parent Community Organization provides funding for special programs at both schools with monies earned and also awards a $300 scholarship to a member of Easton High School’s graduating class, as well as scholarships to UMPI’s Project Explore program for grades 2-7.
Junior Exhibition
The Easton Jr./Sr. High School will be holding their Junior Exhibition on Friday, Nov. 21, at 7 p.m. Those participating in the competition this year are: Lisa Dayringer, Luke Budreau, Taylor Burtt and Mike Petrin. Tickets are $3 for students, $5 for adults, $2 for senior citizens and for a family of four or more it will be $12.
Loretta Brown did not have to go to the Eagle Lake Nursing Home after her hospitalization at The Aroostook Medical Center. A room was found at the Presque Isle health care facility.
Rena Doak has been moved to the Mars Hill health care facility into the skilled nursing division after spending several days at The Aroostook Medical Center. And Nancy Tracy, who was also hospitalized at the Presque Isle hospital for several days, is also a patient in the skilled nursing in the Mars Hill facility.
Rec Center calendar
Wednesday, Nov. 19 – Junior activities at the hall from 9:30-11 a.m. Senior exercise at 1 p.m. at the manor recreation room. Gymnastics class after-school until 4 p.m. at the hall.
Thursday, Nov. 20 – Seniors’ Game Day starting at 11 a.m. at the recreation room at the manor. Please bring a bag lunch. Game Day after school at the hall from 2:45-4:30 p.m. Open to grades one and older.
Friday, Nov. 21 – Junior activities at the hall from 9:30-11 a.m. Seniors will be meeting at the Science Center at 1 p.m. to make a wreath or holiday centerpiece. The cost is $8.
Monday, Nov. 24 – Senior nutrition class at 11 a.m. in the recreation room at the manor. The cost is $2 towards the cost of food. “Christmas Countdown Project” after school until 4:30 p.m. at the hall. Open to grades 1 and up.
Tuesday , Nov. 25 – Swimming field to trip to the PI Indoor Pool. The bus will leave the elementary school at 12:15 p.m. and return to the hall at 3:10 p.m. The cost is $2. This is an early release day from school.
Wednesday, Nov. 26 – Playgroup from 9:30-11 at the hall for those 2 years old through kindergarten. No senior exercise class today! “Dinner and a Movie” – The bus will leave the hall at 11:10 a.m. bound for Pizza Hut and the movie theatre. The cost is $11 and this includes a pizza buffet, drink, admission to the movies, popcorn and soda. There will be an option of two children’s movies. The bus will return to the hall around 3:15 p.m.
Eldora Carter is the correspondent for Easton. She can be reached at 488-5961.
Photo courtesy of Eldora Carter
HUSSEY HONORED – Easton Town Manager John Hangen presents a Plaque of Appreciation to Bernard Hussey, on his retirement from the job of caring for the town’s needs, on Nov. 6. Bernard will be missed on his lawn mower and in the flower gardens, running errands and caring for the sidewalks.
Photo courtesy of Eldora Carter
Members of the Easton Recreation Department’s 5th- and 6th-grade soccer team had a very successful season. The team included: Kerrigan Arnett, Taylor Brown, Kylee Carter, Trevor Hathaway, Hannah Ferris, Emma Bonner, Cody Halvorson, Abigail Thompson, Madison Leach, Kelsey Frank, Drew Sotomayer, Nicholas Clark, Connor Burtt, Riley Mazerole and Alexandra Allen; absent when photos was taken Logan Halvorson.
Photo courtesy of Eldora Carter
STUDENTS FROM EASTON JR./SR. High School went out recently to collect waypoints for the Malcolm Science Center. According to Vaughn Martin, over 25 years ago there was a snowshoe trail at the Science Center. Over the years the vegetation has grown up and clear-cutting has occurred which has changed the trails. Martin's goal is to map out the 2.5 mile trail again for the winter months and for snowshoe participants to use once again. Students waded through very wet conditions to gather their waypoints and they hope to return in January or February to connect the trail back to the points they collected to determine the original 2.5 mile trail. In the foreground of the picture are, from left: Pastor Matt Maxwell of the Easton Wesleyan Church; Vaughn Martin, from the Science Center; Justin Guerrette; and Nick Ambrose.
Photo courtesy of Eldora Carter
SOME OF THE EASTON JR./SR. High School students were able to walk the woods Thursday and Friday, Oct. 16 and 17, to learn how to use GPS/GIS technology devices. Esther Richardson, Paul Sutherland and Paula Giles are members of the Central Aroostook Math Science Project. Students in their classes were taught by Mark Matson, GPS/GIS consultant, how to use the devices to record data.