To the editor:
As a very young boy I was being sexually molested. At that time in my life I was told monsters weren’t real, little did I know then that they are real and mine still haunts my dreams 40 years later. I was molested by this man from the time I was 6 years old until the age of 10. I started drinking, and doing drugs daily at 13 years of age trying to stop the nightmares. I tried to commit suicide for the first time at the age of 14. I continued on this path of self-destruction for 15 years.
I have since been in counseling trying to find some kind of inner peace, and a way to stop the nightmares and suicidal thoughts I suffer with daily. I finally decided the only way this was going to happen was to face this person in court.
I have tried to get someone in law enforcement to arrest this man, but was told there was a statute of limitations, which would not allow them to prosecute anything that had happened in my situation previous to 1999. I asked why this same statue didn’t apply to people who were prosecuting priests 20, 30 or 40 years earlier and was told that was made possible by special legislation passed only for that situation because it was so widespread.
I would like to know why one group of people were allowed to prosecute pedophiles but this law did not apply to everyone. If anyone out there has encountered this same problem please contact your senator, congressman or the ACLU to see why people such as ourselves, are not allowed equal justice to face our molesters in court.
Jeff Chambers
Smyrna Mills