Star City ATV Club receives FEMA funding

16 years ago

    THE STAR CITY ATV Club received just over $2,432 in FEMA funding, with money going toward the replacement of a trail bridge along the Aroostook River that was washed out due to flooding that occurred earlier this year. The bridge is used by both ATVs and snowmobiles traveling ITS 88 across Merritt Brook, just off the Fort Road.

Repairs included replacing the bridge, remarking the area and gravel work leading to the bridge. City Manager Tom Stevens said the trail system is, “not only important to Presque Isle but the economic development of the rest of Aroostook County,” and that, “all clubs in Aroostook have worked to create nice trails,” creating a system made up of hundreds of miles suitable for a variety of recreational activities. Pictured for the check presentation at the bridge, from left: Stevens; Dick Howlett, president, SCATV; George Howe, development specialist and emergency management director for Presque Isle; and Vern Ouellette, director of the Aroostook Emergency Management Agency.

Staff photo/Kathy McCarty
