Community Notebook

16 years ago

Ricker Rumblings
by Lois Downing

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. That is my sentiment to you and your family. If you are leaving town or going to other places, please see that you get back safe and sound.    Our sympathy is extended to the family of Francis McMonigle. Francis was a tenant here for many years, with his brother Eugene. They had many brothers and sisters. Our thoughts are with you and yours.
Thanksgiving dinner will be served at the parish center at St. Mary of the Visitation Church. All can come. Don’t be alone. If you can’t make it, they will bring your dinner. A good offer!
Thanks to the American Legion on Bangor Road for the delicious dinner on Sunday, just passed. All the fixings with plenty of dessert too! Thanks for this great gesture.
Attended “Footloose” at the Houlton High School on Sunday. The lines were so long, I could not believe it, but it was well worth waiting. All are to be commended for their efforts for bringing this great feature to us.
Opal Crane recently had a gathering in the community room, a church group from Linneus. They had a harvest supper and many people attended and then gathered at Opal’s apartment for fellowship following the meal.
Thought for the day is: “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; all who follow his precepts have good understanding. To him belongs eternal praise.” (Psalm 111:10)

   Patten Woman’s Club meets
The Patten Woman’s Club met on Tuesday Nov. 18 at Sally Drew’s house. Some of the officers of the Maine Federated Women’s Clubs were guests. The Project Committee reported that the Sherman and Patten children collected over $300 for UNICEF. The next meeting is at Terry Pettengill’s on December 16.  All are welcome to join us.
Oakfield senior citizens
On Tuesday Nov. 18 the Oakfield Senior Citizens attended the annual Thanksgiving Dinner at Southern Aroostook Community School. The tables were decorated with fall colored tablecloths and many turkeys and pumpkins made by the students.
Enjoying the meal were, Peggy Sanders, Sis McLaughlin, Delores Locke, Tessie Barrett, Larry Sanders, Marie Gillotti, Alma Clark, Evelyn Burpee, Bob Locke, Bernice Campbell, Mildred Gagnon, Don Marley, Merle Burpee, Lois MacDonald, Charlotte Lowell, Nacie Fowler, Ursula Levesque, Bud MacDonald, Marlene Boutilier, Ramona White, Ruth Splan, Lorraine Splan, Wannetta Townsend, Arlene Friel and Kathleen Boutilier.
Thanks to the kitchen staff, Carlene Sanders, Sandra Anderson, Bev McNelley, Tina Casey, Marlene Grant, LeAnn Slauenwhite, Yvonne Goodall assisted by Larry Sanders and Don Marley. They served the delicious meal of chicken, vegetables, a variety of breads and beverages.
The next meeting will be on Dec. 3 at the Smoki-Hauler Snowmobile Club in Oakfield and will be the only meeting in December. If you wish to participate in the Christmas gift exchange be sure and bring a wrapped gift. Also bring a gift of cat or dog food for the Animal Shelter in Houlton. Be sure to check with Delores Locke 757-8478 about what is needed for the Christmas Dinner.
Oakfield Senior Citizens meet on the first and third Wednesdays in the month at the Smoki-Haulers Snowmobile Club in Oakfield, lunch is at 11:30, usually potluck, followed by the business meeting and entertainment. If you would like more information please call Bernice Campbell 757-8580.

TOPS #ME 233, Houlton
By Lois Downing
Take Off Pounds Sensibly, Chapter 233, of Houlton met at the Aldergate building on High Street for its Friday, Nov. 21 meeting.
Eighteen ladies including five KOPS (Keep Off Pounds Sensibly) were present. Joyce Estey led the meeting.
Loser of the week was Joanne Scott with runner-up Barbara Troy. Barbara also led us in 10 minutes of exercises.
Joyce announced that we will not meet the Friday after Thanksgiving. Please send the word around to those who were absent.
Joanne Scott won the 50/50 gift; the skinny dish was held over and Joanne also won the mystery gift.
Denise, contest person, presented Lois Downing a “Best Friend” plaque from the previous contest. Denise announced that she will be working on another contest after Christmas, but will present prizes to those who lose weight from Thanksgiving to Christmas.
Joyce distributed the walking program sheet for members to fill in their figures.
Our Christmas party will be at the Smoki Haulers Snowmobile Clubhouse in Oakfield. Instead of exchanging gifts we will bring a wrapped gift for a boy or girl for a Christmas present. Please write on the gift whether it is for boy or girl. The meeting will be at our usual place, and then we will carpool to Oakfield for a turkey dinner.
It was decided that a budget committee will not be formed.
Joyce had charge of the program, “God’s pharmacy.” She had a bag of fruit and vegetables and demonstrated with each piece. The carrot is like the human eye; tomato has four chambers and like the heart; grapes are in a cluster and are like blood cells; walnuts are little grains; sweet potatoes like the pancreas; olives assist the function of the ovaries; onions are body cells; kidney beans maintain kidney function; celery and rhubarb are like bones; egg plant and avocado balances hormones The program proved to be very interesting.
The next meeting will be Dec. 5 at the same time. The weigh-in will be from 8 a.m. to 8:45 a.m. and the meeting will convene at 9 a.m. and last until 10 a.m.
If you wish more information on the chapter, you may call Charlotte Marley at 757-8483 or Betty Ivey at 532-9653.

Island Falls Senior Citizens
The Island Falls Senior Citizens met on Nov. 20 at the municipal building for a potluck luncheon. After the Lords Prayer and Flag Salute, the meeting was called to order by the president, Terry Dwyer. Secretary and treasure reports were read and accepted. Rick and Sandy Camire entertained and was enjoyed by all.
Next meeting on Dec. 4, this will be our Christmas dinner and exchange for gifts. Bob Locke will furnish the entertainment. If any other senior citizens would like to attend this meeting, they will be more than welcome. Lunch is at 11:30.
Those attending: Gini Garrett/RSVP Coordinator, Rick and Sandy Camire/guests, Mary Lawler, Gloria Noyes, Verna MacArthur, Shirley and Jim D’Angelo, Helen Sherman, Edward Dwyer, Marjorie Nicholson, Mary Pipes, Edith Dwyer and Terry Dwyer.

Sherman Area Senior Citizens Club
On November 19, the Sherman Area Senior Citizen Club met for a potluck lunch with only nine members present. In spite of that small number, the lunch was ample, delicious thanks to the variety provided by each one.
Gini Garrett brought Mildred Reese from Houlton, RSVP office, printed pages were passed out announcing that it will be necessary to buy a digital converter box before February 1 for your t.v. in order to get reception of programs. After December 1, you may call 1-800-563-4645 for 100 gallons for a free oil voucher to give to your oil distributor to be delivered. Paid for by Joe Kennedy II in Massachusetts.
Our combined Christmas/Thanksgiving dinner will be celebrated at our next meeting on December 3. Turkey and all the fixings will be prepared by Annie and some appointed ladies that morning before dinner. Hopefully, you have been writing to your secret pals who will be entertaining us on December 17. Please arrive at 11 a.m. with bag lunch in hand in order to eat before their 12 p.m. arrival. A beverage will be provided.
Present were: Annie and Fred Atkinson, Gini Garrett, Mildred Reese, Esther Greenier, Bonita Staples, Mary Lawler, Terese Albert and Sandra Qualey.

Patten Senior Citizens
Patten Senior Citizens met at the Brookside Inn on Nov. 18 with nine members present. Cards were signed and sent to Edna Cullins, Glenn Kennedy, Janet Spencer, Lois Pelkey, Norma Shorey and Agnes Howes.
Members are asked to bring nonperishable items for the Food Pantry to the Dec. 2 meeting. The Christmas Party will be held on Dec. 16, with exchange gifts not to exceed $5.
Members present were: Joyce Harvey, Gloria Noyes, Maxine Brackett, Mary Lawler, Rubenia Botting, Jackie Palmer, Annette Noyes, Nettie Shorey and Pearl Grant.