Patten Senior Citizens
By Mary Lawlor
Patten Senior Citizens met on Dec. 2 at Meadowbrook Manor with nine members present. Gloria Noyes gave the prayer, before the potluck meal. The business meeting was opened with the Flag Salute, led by President Jackie Palmer. Secretary and Treasurer reports were read and accepted.
Cards were signed and sent to Iola Giles, Del Rideout, Frank Landry and Kenneth Bates. Hostesses for the Dec. 16 meeting will be Annette Noyes and Nettie Shorey. Maxine Brackett will make the birthday cake. Please bring a gift to exchange not to exceed $5.
Members voted to send the month of December donations and game proceeds to the Santa’s Helper Fund. Members present: Annette Noyes, Nettie Shorey, Joyce Harvey, Jackie Palmer, Maxine Brackett, Gloria Noyes, Mary Lawler, Rubenia Botting and Nancy Dauphinee.
Sherman Area Seniors
The Sherman Area senior citizens consisting of folks from towns around Benedicta, Silver Ridge, and Staceyville met at the Sherman gym for a combined Thanksgiving/Christmas dinner on Dec. 3 at noon. There were 19 people in attendance to enjoy the bountiful meal and fellowship.
The next meeting will be on Dec. 17. Our secret pals made up of the Katahdin Elementary School fourth graders will entertain us. Have you written to your secret pals? Time is running out to get your special letters written and sent before we meet and reveal identities.
Bring a brown bag lunch to eat at 11 a.m. in order to be ready to meet the children.
Present at our meeting were: Annie and Fred Atkinson, Fred and Sylvia Lilley, Sam Guiggey, Dean McKenney, June Gagnon, Terese Albert, Liniea Perry, Esther Greenier, Gloria Yeo, Gloria McAvoy, Harriette Astle, Donna Grass, Mary Dickinson, Bonita Staples, Sandra Qualey, and Eva Perry.
Oakfield Seniors
By Charlotte Marley
The Oakfield senior citizens met on Dec. 3 with 26 members and guests gathered at the Smoki-Haulers Snowmobile Club in Oakfield to enjoy a delicious ham dinner with all the fixins.
Attending were: Bud and Lois MacDonald, Jackie Kennedy, Nancy Lawrence, Alma Clark, Sandra and Wendell Holmes, Wannetta Townsend, Marie Gillotti, Nacie Fowler, Hope Anderson, Bessie Sawyer, Althea Lloyd, Brenda Wallace, Don and Charlotte Marley, Delores and Bob Locke, Peggy and Larry Sanders, Millie and Clayton Gagnon, Gini Garrett, Ronnie Morton, Roger Ethier and Arlene Friel .
The dining room was decorated for the holidays with a large Christmas tree, animated holiday figurines, Christmas lights, and ornaments on the tables.
Cat and dog food was collected for the Houlton Animal Shelter. Please remember that the Animal Shelter is in need of food as you do your shopping for Christmas this year.
Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus made a surprise visit and had treats for everyone. The Yankee Gift Swap was a success again this year with several gifts not staying long with anyone.
The meeting was concluded with singing a few Christmas carols.
Our next meeting will be on Jan. 7, 2009 at the snowmobile club in Oakfield. For more information call Peggy Sanders 757-8634.
Ricker Rumblings
By Lois Downing
Hello everyone! Hope things are going well with you and family. The ground is covered with snow accumulated on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael McDonald and children of Rochester, N.H. were visiting their grandmother, Marion Hogan, on a recent Sunday.
Thanks to all involved with the Wesleyan Church Coffee on Saturday, Dec. 6. As always it was very festive with decorations, lots of food and happy people. The seats were filled for their “Reflecting forward to the past.” Enjoyed the singing of “Old Friends” by the Cogswell Sisters, namely Gerry Dunn, Norma Bates and Lavina Byron. The gifts brought one to me and I thank them for that. Also attending from Ricker was Shirley Nason, Joyce Miller and Dot Campbell.
Bill Roach is in Brewer recuperating from his recent illness. His address is: Brewer Rehab and Living Center, 74 Parkway South, Room 101, Brewer, Me 04412. He will be delighted with his mail.
We welcome Dale Defoe to our Ricker family. May your stay at Ricker be a long and happy one.
Our best to Elinor Schenk’s son-in-law who was hospitalized recently.
Are you ready for Christmas? We hope so, even though I can say I am not. It takes a lot of planning, decorating, baking, writing. I’ll catch up, I always do.
I didn’t get to say goodbye to our friend Dianna Faulkner who moved from here to Oakfield. (I think Oakfield is the town she went. We will miss her and wish her well in her new environment.
Our theme for the day is: I will instruct you (says the Lord) and guide you along the best pathway for your life; I will advise you and watch your progress.” (Psalm 32:8)
Keep well and keep busy with your life, until next week, God bless.
Happy Losers
By Shirley Sides
The Happy Losers meeting was held Dec.3 at the Congregational Church vestry in Island Falls. The meeting was opened with the roll call of which 11 ladies weighed-in and 10 attended.
Riva Hawkes lost the most weight for the week and runner-up was Joan Sides. Our secretary and treasure gave reports for the week.
Jackie Pratt was the loser of the month of November and the purple team is ahead in our contest.
Jackie also led the program for the week. Her topic was, “Six easy cures for holiday tiredness.”
Meetings are every Wednesday. Weigh-in begins at 7:30 a.m. to 8:45 and meetings start at 9 o’clock. Call 365-4884 for more information.
TOPS #ME 233
By Lois Downing
TOPS Chapter 233 of Houlton met at the Aldergate building on High Street for its Friday, Dec. 5 meeting.
Joyce Estey, leader, welcomed 19 members to the meeting and two new members, Eugene and Marcie Coursey from Oakfield Barbara Troy was the official greeter.
The Christmas party will be next Friday, Dec. 12. Members will be weighed as usual at the same time, then a meeting, next is the carpool to the Snowmobile Clubhouse in Oakfield where the group will eat dinner. Each member is asked to bring an unwrapped gift to be given to the Salvation Army. A Yankee swap, Christmas carols singing is on the program.
Loser of the week was Aileen Smith with Donna Parent as runner-up.
Janette Nelson, treasurer, gave a report of finances.
Barbara Grant gave us the news that her grandson, Taylor Gould of Newport was chosen to attend the inaugural program in Washington in January. She is very proud of that fact.
Joyce talked about the walking program to Hathorne, Fla. where Joanne Scott will be living. We will walk there and return and each records her walking figures.
Barbara Grant won the skinny dish, the mystery gift and 50/50 were won by Eugene Coursey.
Denise Kinney, in charge of contests, had an open discussion about a new contest, called “Beads.” Members signed up for rules and ideas and picked a partner. The contest will last for three months. Members present today are to call the absent members.
The next meeting will be next week, Dec. 12 when we will weigh in at the same time. Weigh-in time is 8 a.m. to 8:45, and then the meeting begins at 9 and usually ends at 10 o’clock.
For more information about the chapter, you may call Charlotte Marley at 757-8483 or Betty Ivey.
Everyone is welcome.