Island Falls Seniors
The Island Falls Senior Citizens met on Jan. 15, at the municipal building for a potluck luncheon.
After the Lord’s Prayer and Flag Salute, President Terry Dwyer called the meeting to order. Secretary’s report was read and accepted. Treasurer was absent, so no report.
A card was signed and sent to Mary Lawler. Terry read several humorous readings.
Our next meeting will be on Feb. 5. The “game” will be played.
Those present were: Ursula Levesque, Ellie Peck, Helen Sherman, Edward Dwyer, Terry Dwyer, Terry Dwyer, Mary Pipes and Edith Dwyer.
Oakfield Seniors
The Oakfield Senior Citizens met at the Smoki-Haulers Snowmobile Club on Jan. 21. There were 23 members and one guest present.
Bob Locke called the meeting to order with the Lord’s Prayer and Flag Salute.
A nominating committee was formed to have names ready to be voted on at the next meeting. We will vote on a president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer.
Delores Locke gave the treasurer’s report and Mildred Gagnon gave the secretary’s report. Wannetta Townsend gave a card report.
Arlene Friel will be collecting the hours for RSVP from now on, so please see her at each meeting to report your hours.
Marie Gillotti and Gina Phelps won the mystery gift.
Gini Garrett, RSVP area representative told of the many opportunities for volunteers in our area and explained several of the requirements needed to fill these needs. If you would like to volunteer your time and talents please call Gini at the Agency on Aging in Presque Isle.
An auction will be held at the Feb. 18 meeting.
Attending were: Ursula Levesque, Bernice Campbell, Sandra and Wendell Holmes, David Burpee, Thelma Flowers, Merle and Evelyn Burpee, Nancy Lawrence, Jackie Kennedy, Alma Clark, Tessie Barrett, Gina Phelps, Mildred Gagnon, Gini Garrett, Bob and Delores Locke, Shirley Smith, Roger Ethier, Wannetta Townsend, Marie Gillotti, Don and Charlotte Marley and Richard Hall.
If you would like more information about Oakfield Senior Citizens please call Sandra Holmes 757-7256.
Tops ME 233
by Lois Downing
Take Off Pounds Sensibly, Chapter 233, of Houlton met at the Aldergate building on High Street Friday, Jan. 23, for the weekly meeting.
Joyce Estey, lead the meeting and Elinor Harvey was the official greeter. Linda Cassidy and Barbara Whited were guests. There were 18 ladies present including six KOPS.
The loser of the week was Betty Ivey with Aileen Smith as runner-up. Donna Parent won the skinny dish, Janette Nelson took home the 50/50 drawing and Melva Folsom won the mystery gift.
Joanne Scott gave the weight recorder’s figures and Lois Downing gave the minutes of the last meeting.
A discussion on our room and weighing took place. Denise Kinney took some time with the members and their bead contest. We all drew new partners and activities.
Joyce Estey read a letter from our representative, Janice Cote. She will be available to be a guest in the spring.
Barbara Troy led us in several minutes of exercises.
Joyce gave a talk on sugar and calories. She pointed out how much sugar there is in several products. In order to satisfy our sweet tooth, don’t yourself. If you have diabetes, follow your doctor’s instructions. One ounce of dried cherries contains 16 oz. of sugar against one oz. of fresh berries with four ounces of sugar.
The next meeting is Jan. 30. Weigh-in time is 8-8:45 a.m. with the meeting starting at 9 and usually ending at 10.
If you wish more information on TOPS 233, you may call Charlotte Marley at 757-8483 or call Betty Ivey at 532-9653.
Sherman Seniors
In spite of the January severe cold weather and snowy ice storms, the hardy members of the Sherman Senior Citizens Club numbered thirteen folks who came from the outlying towns of Benedicta, Silver Ridge, Patten, and Stacyville to both meetings of January, enjoyed the potluck lunch and camaraderie.
The February meeting is scheduled for the fourth day of the month, Wednesday. You should come with a small gift bagged in order to participate in a game of numbers, read by Annie similar to Beano, which we have done in the past and are acquainted with. Don’t forget your four quarters!
Be thinking about where we can go on the spring/summer outing. Time passes all too quickly and plans need to be made ahead of the change of seasons!
Present were: Annie and Fred Atkinson, Sylvia and Fred Lilley, Frances and Dean McKenney, new member Joyce Chambers, Eva Perry, Donna Grass, Esther Greenier, Sandra Qualey, Linniea Perry and Bonita Staples.