Lioness’ Ladies Night Out, an evening of laughter

16 years ago
By Barbara Scott
Staff Writer

    When the members of the Caribou Lioness Club put on their annual Ladies Night Out, they pull out all the stops and this year was no exception.

ImageAroostook Republican photo/Barb Scott
    Caribou Lioness members, from left, Shirley Dumais, Karin Wong and Joann Dube were ready to model their “Sock Hop” fashions during the recent annual Ladies Night Out, sponsored by the Lioness group. The always fun-filled event was held at the Jade Palace Restaurant.

    With a full house on hand, the Tikki Lounge at the Jade Palace Restaurant transformed into a “Sock Hop”, it was an evening packed with prizes, Rock ‘N’ Roll, laughs and yes, ‘Elvis’ was in the house.
    During the dinner and entertainment, door prizes were given out one after another. Guests had a chance to participate in contests ranging from decorating cardboard guitars, locating any number of items from within a purse, to seeing who would win the sexiest lips contest.
    The grand prize drawing was for a basket(Love Basket) containing nearly $1,000 worth of donated items to pamper the lucky winner.
    Bonnie Bouchard, of Caribou, held the lucky ticket for the basket plus, her smooch on the Sexiest Lips Poster, earned her a banner and crown proclaiming her the rights to that infamous title.
    Each year Lioness members work frantically to create an evening out that allows ladies of all ages to get out of the kitchen for one night, forget about their jobs and enjoy  a purely entertaining and social evening with friends, some old and some new.

Image    His Honor Wil Bell lays the law down, never listening to reason, to a guest at the Ladies Night Out, during his brief but stern visit.





ImageAroostook Republican photo/Barb Scott
    ‘The King’ led the way, as always, during the parade of hand-made guitars during the recent Ladies Night Out sponsored by the Caribou Lioness Club. As in each year the event drew a large crowd and was an evening filled with food, games, prizes and laughs.






Image    Robin Holdsworth, a member of the Caribou Lioness Club, was ready for the ‘Sock Hop’ – poodle skirt and all. With her is Rene Cavengaro.







Image    Robin Holdsworth, a member of the Caribou Lioness Club, was ready for the ‘Sock Hop’ – poodle skirt and all. With her is Rene Cavengaro.







Image    Pam Caldwell looked the part of a rock’n’roller, although Elvis did use scarves instead of boas. 






Image    From left, Jane Brown, Amy Perry, Gayle Jackson and Cindy Wardwell enjoy the fun, games, food and music during the recent Lioness Ladies Night Out, held at the Jade Palace in Caribou. 









Image    Erica Anderson displays the  cardboard guitar she and her table mates managed to create during the Ladies Night Out. 






ImageRock and Roll is here to stay.