Dixon is 2009 Auxiliary Member of the Year

16 years ago
By Barbara Scott
Staff Writer

    Members of the Henry B. Pratt, Jr., American Legion Auxiliary Unit 15 met recently naming Becky Dixon as the  2009 Auxiliary Member of the Year.

Image    Contributed photo
    Shelley O’Rourke,left, past president of the Henry B.  Pratt,Jr., American Legion Auxiliary Unit 15, and Rosalie Kelley, far right, auxiliary president recently presented Becky Dixon with the  2009 Auxiliary  Member of the Year certificate.
    Becky Dixon has served as Henry B. Pratt JR, American Legion Auxiliary Unit 15 first vice president for four years.  According to Shelley O’Rourke, past president of the unit, “During this past year when the Post suffered great financial difficulty, Becky saw the need and worked diligently to keep the Post afloat, working with the legionnaires to find ways to make money. All summer long she worked with Legion members selling funnel cakes and assisting with monthly suppers.”  
    “In the fall the post decided to have volunteer bartenders and who stepped up to help, Becky,” continued O’Rourke, “and if that were not enough, she also has worked Bingo evenings for the Legionnaires for many years. Recently the post had a shortage of shift leaders Becky became one. Working four to five times a month.”
    “You have to realize that Becky is also a co-chair for the Auxiliary kitchen food sales, scheduling the workers and bakers, collecting the money for sales and presents a report to the unit monthly,” said O’Rourke. “When a worker doesn’t show up Becky works. At times that means working in the kitchen and helping the legionnaires with bingo on the same night,” she added.
    This year the Henry B. Pratt, Jr., American Legion Auxiliary Unit15, held the following events in which Dixon participated: Monte Carlo night, Lunch with Santa, Christmas for the Kids and the Dart Tournament food sales.  
    Dixon works full-time at Wal-Mart and often goes home after work, changes her clothes then heads to the Post to work the kitchen, work the floor for Bingo, work a monthly supper or to bartend.
    O’Rouke also commented, “Our post rebounded from its financial slump of this past year, thanks in large part to the diligence of Becky.  As she stated at several of our meetings, ‘If you have no Legion, you have no Auxiliary,’ ” she added.
    Dixon resides in Presque Isle with her husband Jack.The couple have two grown children, Felicia
and Jonathan.