Community Notebook

16 years ago

Oakfield Senior Citizens
By Charlotte Marley
Twenty-one members of the Oakfield Senior Citizens met at the Oakfield Community Center for their Feb. 18 meeting. Each table had red roses for centerpieces and a red heart candy was at each place setting.
    After the delicious potluck luncheon Bob Locke opened the business meeting with the Lord’s Prayer and Flag Salute.  Two new members joined the group.
Reports were read and accepted. After the meeting Auctioneer Jeanne Clements conducted our “Trash and Treasure” auction with Don Marley assisting.
Everyone had a good time and many went home with lots of “goodies”. We were able to raise money for our summer bus trip, now all we have to do is decide where to go.
The next meeting on March 4 will be held at Smoki-Haulers Snowmobile Club in Oakfield.
The Oakfield Town Manager Dale Morris will be guest speaker. He will bring everyone up to date about the First Wind project in Oakfield.
Attending were: Velma Cale, Merle and Evelyn Burpee, Jackie Kennedy, Pete Peters, Alma Clark, Jeanne Clements, Tessie Barrett, Geneva Bell, Linda Slauenwhite, Don and Charlotte Marley, Nacie Fowler, Wannetta Townsend, Bob and Delores Locke, Marie Gillotti, Ursula Levesque, Arlene Friel and Mildred Gagnon.
For more information about Oakfield Senior Citizens call Delores Locke 757-8478.
Patten Women’s Club
The Patten Woman’s Club held their February meeting at Marguerite Sinclair’s house.  Jeanine Bertone gave a wonderful presentation about Beatrix Potter.  Jeanine has an extensive collection of pictures, books and figurines based on the Potter books and paintings.
The club will be sponsoring the Eighth Annual Art Show at Katahdin High School on Wednesday, April 15.  The works of many talented students will be on display. Everyone is welcome.

Happy Losers

By Shirley Sides
The Feb.18 meeting of the Happy Losers was held at the Congregational Church vestry.
Our leader, Jackie Pratt opened our class with the pledge and dreaded roll call. We had nine ladies weigh-in and eight attended our class.
Mary Shaw was the loser of the week, and Jeanne Watson was runner-up. Great job ladies.
Hello, Loretta C.  Our secretary and treasurer gave reports for the week. Our weight loss is getting better each week.
Our leader, Jackie Pratt led the program for the week. Her topic was on Ten Healthy Foods, such as pumpkin, beets, oranges, tuna and more.
Meetings are great, so feel welcome to our group every Wednesday from 7:30 a.m. to 8:45. The weigh-ins and meeting start at 9 a.m. Call 365-4884 for more information.

Sherman Senior Citizens
The Sherman senior citizens club met for a potluck lunch on Feb. 18. It was a beautiful day, not a cloud in the sky.
During our meeting we signed several cards to offer get well wishes, sympathy or encouragement for friends. Our next meeting will be Wednesday, March 4. At that time we will plan our summer outing. Please bring a small gift and be prepared to play Beano.
Those in attendance were: Mary Lawler, Bonita Staples, Donna Grass, Eva Perry, Frances Sleeper, Maxine Wallace, Richard and Marjorie Hall, Fred and Sylvia Lilley and Annie Atkinson. We hope Fred will be out of the Bangor Hospital and be with us next time.