Littleton woman wins asscher-cut diamond ring

16 years ago

The recent drawings for the Health Services Foundation’s eighth annual Diamond Raffle saw another success for this fund-raiser and prizes stayed right in our own neighborhood.     “Our winner for this year’s diamond was Becky Miller of Littleton, second prize of a 14 kt gold garnet pendant was won by Debbie Anderson of Monticello, and the sterling silver Celtic knot bracelet found a new home with Yvette Abouleish of Houlton,” said Elizabeth Dulin foundation executive director.
It was a fun-filled evening at the Temple Theatre in Houlton where Patrick Blanchette, theatre manager, pulled the winning tickets at 7 p.m.
“The drawing was heightened due to the fact that Becky was also a theater-goer that evening, so we had an extremely excited winner who was able to take the ring right then and there. Yvette Abouleish was also there to take her bracelet. Debbie was in Bangor, however when she got the news she was excited that she had won second prize,” said Dulin.
Movie-goers had an extra special treat with the drawing of five other door prizes for those who bought a movie ticket.
“Wonderful prizes were donated by Bart and Nancy Dunn, the Temple Theatre, Dunkin’ Donuts, Goodrich Jewelry, Grammy’s Restaurant, and winners were delighted with those drawings which just added another fun dimension to the event,” Dulin said.
“The Foundation is always grateful to Walter Goodrich, of Goodrich Jewelry, as he, along with diamond raffle committee members work hard to ensure the success of this event in terms of all those who will benefit from this fundraiser. We are delighted that we have been able to continue offering three prizes for the ticket holders.
“Even though the ticket price is $25 and current economic times have made it difficult for many to stretch buying items that really are not necessary, these days our communities still stepped up as they know when the Foundation is doing a fund-raiser it is for a ‘really good cause’. Several thousand dollars were raised and proceeds will support Phase II of the Foundation’s $1 million Nuclear Medicine Project for Houlton Regional Hospital. These funds will assist HRH with the expansion/renovation of the current Radiology Department to address privacy/comfort issues that face the department, thereby making a better patient/staff environment a reality,” continued Dulin.
Dulin added that they are so grateful for the continued and great response every year for this fund-raiser. Those living in the communities who benefit from all the Foundation’s fund-raisers truly understand what it is we are trying to do when we take on campaigns for our local non-profit health care providers. They know we are doing the very best we can for our providers by assisting with funding for state-of-the-art equipment and crucial health care projects/programs. Our assistance with the expansion/renovation of the nuclear medicine department will aid in giving our patients the comfort and privacy they so rightly deserve.
For more information regarding Foundation fund-raisers, programs/projects, please contact the Foundation Office at 521-2147 or 521-2503 or visit their website at