Photo contest to celebrate volunteerism in action

16 years ago

    The Maine commission for community service announces a photo contest celebrating volunteerism in the state of Maine. This year’s theme is “Volunteers in Action.” Individuals are invited to submit a photo depicting volunteers serving the community. Entries are due by March 18.
    For full contest rules and information on how to enter visit: Winning entries and honorable mentions will be displayed at the State House during the Governor Baldacci’s volunteer service awards on April 21.
    For the past 22 years, the governor’s volunteer service awards have celebrated and recognized the exemplary work of Maine’s most dedicated citizens. This award program, administered jointly by the Maine commission for community service and the governor’s office, recognizes and honors the valuable contributions of Maine’s extraordinary volunteers while inspiring others to follow their example. It is our sincere hope that photo submissions will serve to further highlight the impact of volunteer service on the state of Maine.
    The Maine commission for community service builds capacity and sustainability in Maine’s volunteer sector by funding service programs, developing managers of volunteers, raising awareness of the scope and impact of the sector and encouraging an ethic of service. To learn more about the Maine commission for community service visit their Web site: