Compiled by Karen Donato
Staff Writer
Aroostook Times
Employment — A young lady with a good education who would like to learn typesetting can secure a position at the Times office.
Ludlow — From the last town west of Houlton where there are poor roads, no plows and snow is deep, with labors few and what is left, dying with the grip, with potatoes steadily decreasing in value, there is little to say and lots to know. Don’t think we are dead up here in Ludlow even if we are not heard from often.
Wanted — We want 50 good pigs dressed for the market, also 500 live chickens and fowl. The highest cash price will be paid for same at the Robinson Grocery Store.
75 Years Ago-Feb.22, 1934
Houlton Pioneer Times
A new son — Mr. and Mrs. George Barnes are receiving congratulations on the birth of a son, Forrest Wheeler, Feb. 18.
Entertaining — Mrs. P.P. Burleigh entertained very prettily on Monday afternoon at her residence on Main Street at bridge. The decorations, place cards and scorecards were in the shape of Washington souvenirs, the hatchet predominating and the afternoon pleasantly passed. Refreshments were served at 6.
Hodgdon — The Ladies Aid members entertained the gentlemen last Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sloat. A fine program was given which was much enjoyed. Everybody had a good laugh. Sandwiches and cake were served with coffee.
Rents store — John Britton has rented the south part of the Crabtree store, where he will keep a stock of hardware. He will also deal in fertilizer, spraying materials and machinery repairs.
50 Years Ago-Feb. 19, 1959
Houlton Pioneer Times
Runaways — Three Canadian boys followed their impulses this week and ran away from home, terminating their short-lived stay in the USA in Houlton where they were picked up by Houlton Police to await their parents for transportation back across the border. The three boys ages 9, 10, and 11, from Woodstock were discovered hiding behind Dunn Furniture Store early Sunday morning about 2 o’clock by Houlton police. The trio was in the crib where the furniture store discards its empty cartons and boxes.
Patten — The 1959 edition of the Patten Academy yearbook, The Mirror, has just been completed, Students who had charge of a section of the yearbook were as follows: Ellen Alward, Robert Anderson, Editor-in Chief; Gladys Gallagher, Richard Adams, Deanna Ordway, Gary Campbell, Lois Giles and Gary Parker.
Five foot drifts — The B&A reported this morning 200 extra men were hired to help clear the tracks of snow from north of West Sebois through Aroostook County. Trains were running on time, however, in face of the three-to five-foot drifts covering the rails.
Musical show — A musical show will be presented at the Gentle Memorial Building with proceeds going to the Teen-age Road-E-O fund. Two local persons have been selected to play the lead roles, Rosemary Jackins, as Mabel Mullins and Dick Hawkins as Casper Perkins, co-winners of a famous TV quiz show. The prize is a trip around the world and a visit to Egypt where Bob Curtis and Bert Wetmore are to play two of the Sultan’s Favorites. On this tour Judy Varney will play Cinderella in Denmark while Michael Lezotte appears as the prince, Sue Emery as the fairy godmother and Lois Gartley, Diane Cunliffe, Rondise Henderson, Ann Madigan, Scott Emery, Ken McNally, Bobby Savell and Phil Lee are seen as knights and ladies of the court.Wendell White Studio Photo 1959
PATTEN ACADEMY PLAY — The Patten Academy presented the play “Leave to Marry” at the Founders Memorial Hall in Patten on March 6, 1959. The cast was as follows: Front row, left to right, Gary Campbell, Deanna Ordway, Robert Anderson and Arlene Boynton. Back row, Lloyd Chase, director, Deanna Merrill, Richard Adams, Ellen Alward, Gary Parker and Sally Cole.
25 Years Ago-Feb. 22, 1984
Houlton Pioneer Times
Super Draw — Dianne Hiscoe of the Hemore Road is one of 14 qualifiers in the $55,000 Holiday Cash Super drawing of the Maine State Lottery at the Maine Mall in South Portland.
Perfect 4.0 — Six students from the Southern Aroostook area have achieved a perfect 4.0 grade point average. The group includes John Doane of Bridgewater, Rhonda Campbell of Linneus, Susan Glick and Annette Weeks of Houlton, Alan Bulduc of Oakfield and David Watson of Westfield.
Royalty — Named King and Queen for a day at Lambert School were Tammy Brown and Dean Clark for sixth grade and Jamie Schools and Jeffrey Howland for fifth grade.
Top spellers — Artimus Williams is the Grade 6 spelling champ at the Littleton School and Heather Hubert is the alternate.
Joins York’s — Galen Howe has joined the sales staff of York Ford.
Top Employees — Depositors Trust Company of Aroostook gave special recognition and awards to Barbara Pettit and Dana Worthley for their performance and valued contributions to the bank; Pettit received Employee of the Year and Worthley, Officer of the Year.