Eastern Maine pageant seeks contestants

16 years ago

    The search is on for girls and women to compete for prestigious titles in this year’s Eastern Maine Pageant. Four pageant queen titles will be awarded: Little Miss Eastern Maine for ages 5 to 8, Junior Miss Eastern Maine for ages 9 to 13, Teen Miss Eastern Maine for ages 14 to 18, and Ms. Eastern Maine for ages 18 and older. Ms. contestants may be single, married, have been married or have children.
    Contestants compete in interview, on-stage self-introduction and formal wear. In addition, contestants may choose to compete in any optional competitions, which consist of talent, modeling and photogenic. A queen in each optional event for each age division will also be crowned.
    The new queens will be chosen at the pageant being held in Baileyville (near Calais) on Saturday, April 18. Contestants must reside or go to school in the Maine counties of, Aroostook, Hancock, Penobscot, Piscataquis or Washington.
    Interested applicants are invited to find out more about the competition by visiting the Eastern Maine Pageant Web site; www.easternmaine.bravehost.com, and/or by requesting information from Jayna Smith at 454-2244. Applicants may also e-mail your request to easternmaine@hotmail.com.