Citizens to be honored at 11th annual Real Heroes Breakfast, April,2

16 years ago

    Officials with the American Red Cross-Pine Tree Chapter, Northern Maine Community College and WAGM TV have announced the selection of the 2009 Real Heroes who will be honored at the 11th annual Real Heroes Breakfast Thursday, April 2, at 7:30 a.m. in the Edmunds Conference Center of Northern Maine Community College.      These brave individuals, whose courage, quick thinking, compassion, and composure were vital in saving a person’s life or providing incredible assistance that made a difference in a person’s life, were nominated by the public and selected by a committee of community leaders. Each individual exhibits a true act of selflessness and his/her heroic acts embody the principles and ideals of the American Red Cross’ humanitarian mission.
    “We were so touched by the 22 heart-warming stories this year,” said Joyce Knorr, Aroostook County branch manager of the Red Cross.  "The Hero Breakfast Committee identified seven categories for specific heroic acts. Each committee member scored each nomination on a 1—5 point system, according to the criteria given to each point. The nominations reflected the humanitarianism of those who have made the American Red Cross the outstanding organization that it is today. We are proud to honor such a large number of wonderful individuals.”
    Receiving  Real Hero Awards this year are:
    Clara Barton Award for commitment to the American Red Cross and community, Madelyn Buzza of Mapleton.
    Every Day Bravery Award for a compassionate act of heroism, Kylie Daigle of Fort Kent.
    Neighborhood Friend Award for someone who provided life saving help in time of need, Robert Defarges, Madawaska/Caribou; Don McCubbin, Glenburn; Kevin Mordasky, Stafford Springs, Conn.; Tom Stevens, East Holden, and Michael Murphy, Glenburn.
    Red Spirit Award for someone who performed a life-saving act using Red Cross skills, Molly Marie White of Presque Isle.
    Valor Award for a courageous act of heroism, David Guiggey of Mars Hill.
    Young Courage Award for a courageous act of heroism by a person under 18 years old, Devon Cray of Presque Isle
    Extra Mile Award for going above and beyond the call of duty to assist the Red Cross in meeting its mission, Aroostook County Emergency Management Agency
    Outstanding community humanitarian recognitions to Frank Pantene III, Connor Township; Isaac Ashby, Mapleton; Brian Buck, Jr., Presque Isle; Matthew Sullivan, Presque Isle; Tiffany Martin, Presque Isle; Henry Akley, Presque Isle and Glenn Heidorn, Caribou.
    Outstanding Community Service recognitions to Dixie Shaw, Caribou; Father Jim Nadeau, Norma Jean Landry and St. Louis Church Community, all of Fort Kent; Island Falls Emergency Management Agency and Fire/Ambulance Department and Staff Sgt. Gary Jandreau of Caribou. Also, John’s Country Store (Patti and John Voisine), St. Francis; Romeo Bouchard, Caribou; Kevin Stubbs, Caribou; Alva King, Limestone; Vicki Page, Limestone and Michelle Albert, also of Limestone.
    Doors to the breakfast will open at 7 a.m. and Master of Ceremonies, Rene Cloukey of WAGM TV, will begin the program at 7:30 a.m. with keynote speaker, Sue Bernard, communications director of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Portland.
    Community and business members are invited to celebrate the heroism of these local individuals, while at the same time supporting the local disaster relief and preparedness efforts of the Aroostook County Branch of the American Red Cross.
    Table sponsorships are available at various recognition levels. Individual tickets can be purchased for $25 per person.  For more information or to purchase tickets, call 493-4620 or stop by the Red Cross office at 111 High Street in Caribou.
    The Aroostook County Branch of the American Red Cross, Pine Tree Chapter, is a non-profit, humanitarian organization, which provides services for the residents of Aroostook County. All Red Cross disaster assistance is free and made possible by voluntary donations of time and money from Aroostook County people. 
    For more information on disaster preparedness, health and safety classes, volunteer opportunities, and financial contributions, contact our office at or