Staff Writer
CARIBOU — Chief Warrant Officer Kirk Donovan, originally from Presque Isle, recently returned from his second deployment in Iraq where he served as a MEDEVAC helicopter pilot. When he returned stateside, he brought with him a significant gift for the County Patriot Young Marines — a flag that Donovan placed in the window of the Blackhawk MEDEVAC Helicopter he piloted. This particular flag that Donovan brought back for the County Patriot flew in 30 combat missions between Oct. 1 and Nov. 30 of 2008.
Photo contributed by Craig Fay
Kirk Donovan, recently back from Iraq, brought a unique gift for the County Patriot Young Marines; a flag that flew 30 combat missions in the MEDEVAC helicopter piloted by Donovan.
According to the certificate that accompanies the flag, “It was proudly flown by the soldiers in the face of the enemy, illuminated in the dark by the light of justice that bears witness to the removal of terrorists forces threatening the freedom and liberty of the United States of America, Iraq, and the world.”
“It flew right in the front window where everyone could see it,” Donovan explained to the County Patriot Young Marines on Feb. 21. “I had a couple of different flags for different organizations, and we flew them over Iraq; this flag has been all over from Kuwait to Baghdad.”
“A patriot is a person who believes in democracy, freedom, liberty, justice and all of those good things that make America,” said Craig Fay, commander of the County Patriot Young Marines. “That’s what this flag stands for, and that’s what this gentleman, Mr. Donovan, stands for. He’s is a real hero, just like every other G.I. that’s over there,” Fay added. “They’re all heroes. Every time you see this flag, think of the men and women who are giving their lives so that you can stand here today.”
“It’s interesting for the kids to be able to meet people who’ve actually served overseas, especially since it‘s glorified in a good way and bad on television,” said Donovan, who’s own son is a Young Marine. “I think that the Young Marines program is awesome; there are a lot of things that they don’t get exposed to in school, like self discipline and teamwork,” he added. “In school, if you don’t play a team sport then everything’s individual; not every kid plays a team sport,” Donovan said. “Kids don’t have to try out for the Young Marines. They come here and they earn their way in.”
The County Patriot Young Marines plan on keeping the flag safe in their office until an appropriate frame is acquired.
“We really want to get a frame for it because it’s been in Iraq and it’s been on all of those missions,” said Fay. “To have the certificate with it also makes it really something special.”