On March 17, first- and second-graders from Ashland Central School visited the community library where they received a special gift. Librarian Glady Craig explained to the children that they were each going to be given a children’s book written by a man, Burt deFrees, who had taught English at Ashland High School from 1953-1956.
She told them how he has written two children’s books: “The Big Brass Bed,” published in 2006 and “Gift of the Animals,” published in 2007. Mr. deFrees had contacted Glady about distributing 50 donated copies of “Gift of the Animals” to the children of Ashland, and she was more than happy to oblige.
“Gift of the Animals” is a mystical tale of five woodland creatures who gather outside a farmhouse window. At the stroke of midnight, they are able to speak with one another, in the same tongue. Aside from this wondrous occurrence, the animals are also witness to the birth of a child. To celebrate the joyous occasion, each creature presents a verbal gift to the newborn. Then, as quickly as it came about, the clock chimes once, signaling the advancement of time. No longer able to speak, the animals disperse back into nature as the cries of the child are heard into the night.
Mr. deFrees’ two books are on hand at the Ashland Community Library, as well as a CD on which he narrates both works. If you are interested in purchasing either or both of Mr. deFrees’ books, you can do so by sending $3 per copy to: Burt deFrees, 126 East Andover Road, Rumford, Maine 04276. Checks should be made payable to “Jane deFrees Scholarship Fund.”
“Gift of the Animals” is an imaginative book that teaches about virtues and the wonderment of nature. Your thoughtful gift to the young people of our community is very much appreciated Mr. deFrees, thank you.
Mr. and Ms. Ashland crowned
It was a great evening of pageantry and fun as five couples vied for the title of Mr. and Ms. Ashland Saturday, March 14. Instead of the contestants performing individual talents, each couple performed different dances like those seen on the popular television show, “Dancing With the Stars.”
Carl Nemer and Crystal Cook danced the samba, Caleb Ward and Jessica Holmes performed the jive, Jeremy Tarr and Miranda Donovan the paso doble, Jake Paradis and Autumn Cobb the salsa, and John Casey and Suzie Poulin a hip/hop number.
In the end, Crystal Cook and Carl Nemer were crowned the 2009 Mr. and Ms. Ashland. Miranda Donovan and Jeremy Tarr were awarded the first runner-up spot. John Casey and Suzie Poulin, along with Jeremy Tarr and Miranda Donovan, tied for most congenial couple.
Advent Church sale
The Advent Church is looking for donations of clean and lightly used items for an up-coming sale. If you are doing some spring cleaning within the next few weeks, and would like to drop-off some “stuff” to help the church, please call Sherri Calhoun at 435-2078 to schedule a drop-off time.
Phase II of Portage playground under way
With the main goal of providing healthy, family centered activities within the community, the Portage recreation department began a two-part playground project in 2008. Through fund-raising efforts, such as bottle drives, raffles, community grants and donations from local businesses, the department was able to purchase and, with the help of community volunteers, install a seesaw, merry-go-round and two coil riders last fall.
The acquisition of a multi-activity play structure, suitable for children ages 2-12, is the second part of the project. Ideally, the recreation department plans to order the structure by May 2009, so that it can be installed sometime in June to coincide with the Portage Lake Centennial Celebration. The department will continue to fund-raise for the purchase of the structure and plans to solicit private businesses and other civic organizations that may not have previously donated.
The family-friendly park will promote healthy lifestyles, physical fitness, and a safe and fun environment for all youth, both now and in the future. It will enrich the town and thereby positively impact Portage’s tourist-driven economy. Finally, it will provide a much needed resource to the youth and families of the community.
If you can help, in any way, toward the fruition of Phase II of the Portage playground project, please contact Taunja Jandreau at 435-8277 or e-mail wildlife@ainop.com.
Sno-mobile Club holds annual auction
It was an entertaining evening two Saturdays back as the Ashland Sno-Mobile Club held its 2009 annual auction at the Ashland Motor Lodge. One hundred fifty-six items were generously donated by individuals, businesses and corporations both locally and from surrounding locations. Once again, Ron Leonard provided his savvy auctioneering skills, while Dick Long, Ronnie Fournier, Matt Stedman and Jim Laveway took turns displaying the goodies up for bid. The guys did such a good job that they could be hired by the “Price is Right” as professional product models! (Well, maybe not that good). Meanwhile, the ladies on the sidelines: Teri-Lyn Driscoll, Sharie Laveway, MaryEllen Chasse, Sis Laveway, Averill Gardner and Leslie Condon kept the bid tickets in order and cashed people out with ease. Prior to the start of the event, Theresa Chasse had the job of assigning the bidding numbers and passing out door prize tickets. During the auction, Dave Chasse and Sammi Jimmo sold 50/50 raffle tickets. Betty Haley was the lucky winner of the first drawing and an unidentified, out-of-town gentleman, the second. A portion of the proceeds from the 50/50 drawings will be donated to Pine Tree Camps of Maine.
Considering that there were other events taking place in Ashland that night, and with economic conditions as they are, the club still had a very successful auction and was pleased with the amount raised. They would like to sincerely thank all the contributors to the auction for their continued support and also those who attended the event. Lastly, extra special thank yous go out to Roger Lee and Glori, of the Motor Lodge, for all that they did!
VFW news
Lori Howlett, an auxiliary member who resides in Augusta, was the lucky winner of the star sampler quilt that was raffled as a fund-raiser for VFW 9699 of Ashland. Her winning ticket was drawn at the annual St. Patrick’s Day supper held at the club Sunday, March 15. The auxiliary fed approximately 70 people a meal of roast beef, potatoes, mixed vegetables, rolls and homemade desserts. Prior to supper, the crowd was entertained with guitar, banjo and fiddling music. Also, prizes for the oldest man and woman in attendance were given out.
School news
There will be a PTO (Parent Teacher Organization) recruitment meeting held Wednesday, March 25 at 7 p.m. in the Ashland Central School cafeteria. Whether you’re a parent, guardian, grandparent, friend or just someone who likes to be involved, your assistance and support is needed. Please put it on your calendar today!
It’s that time of year again! SAD 32 has put out its listing of adult and community courses that will commence Monday, March 23. Monday courses include: GED/H.S. Diploma, Woodworking, and Fun & Fitness; Tuesday: Sewing, Quilting, and Art for Fall; Wednesday: Fun and Fitness, Thursday: Scrapbooking and GED/H.S. Diploma. A Math/Language refresher course will also be offered, but has no set start time as of yet. For more information about how to register, times of courses, and fees involved, please call the high school at 435-3481.
Ashland playground nears completion
Spring has sprung and the Ashland Community Playground Committee will be back in action to finish the groundwork around the new playground as soon as the snow clears and things dry up a bit. In September of last year, with many hands, young and old, the committee was able to install a play structure suited for children ages 2 to 5. The caterpillar and ball return from behind the Ashland Recreation Center were also moved and put into place at the playground site beside the public library. To be installed this spring will be the refurbished swing set from the recreation department, benches, and dinosaur and airplane coil riders. Finishing up the project, as soon as possible, is the committee’s goal so that children and parents will be able to enjoy the structure.
This project would not have been possible without the financial support of so many. Personal thank-yous were mailed to contributors, but if by some chance you were missed, please accept the committee’s sincere appreciation now for your help and generosity.
New correspondent at the helm
Effective April 1 (no foolin’), Susan Feeney-Hopkins will take over as the new correspondent for Ashland, Portage Lake, Oxbow, Masardis, Garfield, Nashville Plantation and surrounding townships. Please join me in welcoming Susan. I thank her for wanting to continue the job of getting our community news into The Star-Herald. If you have a write-up or pictures that you would like to have included in future Ashland Area News articles, Susan can be reached at feenhop@aol.com. You may contact me at 435-7137, if you need assistance in getting in touch with her other than by e-mail. Sincerely, Julie Graham-Berry.
Ongoing Events
The Ashland Area Senior Citizens group meets every Thursday at noon at the Ashland Recreational Center. Any senior citizens wishing to participate in the potluck lunches and meetings are always welcome.
The Portage Lake Seniors’ Lunch is held on the last Tuesday of every month at 11:30 a.m. at the Town Hall. All individuals 50 and over are invited to attend and can bring a potluck dish to share. For more information, contact Wilza Robertson at 435-6211 or Grace Nason at 435-6373.
The Red Hat Loonies of Portage Lake meet the second Thursday of every month at Dean’s Motor Lodge. Membership dues are $2. Come and have a great meal and a great time, too! For more information, contact Rachel Stevens at 435-6358.
If you can help plan for Portage Lake’s 2009 Centennial Celebration, please contact Corrine Routhier at 435-6854. Your help is both needed and appreciated.
There is an aerobics/exercise group meeting Monday and Thursday nights at the Portage Lake Municipal Building at 6:30 p.m. There is no cost for participants. Please contact Kim Holmes at 435-6043 for more information.
Editor’s note: The Star-Herald wishes to thank Julie Graham-Berry for serving as the Ashland correspondent for the last two years. She has done an outstanding job publicizing the events of her community. We wish her all the best.