To the editor:
Regarding the Aroostook Republican newspaper and its sister the Presque Isle Star-Herald, wouldn’t we the residents of central Aroostook benefit from a merger of the two papers? At this point in time after much change and as we all struggle to survive, I see this merger as a positive point to share much more information of events, meetings, news, etc. I would guess that advertisers would purchase bigger and more creative ads, offsetting the loss of one less paper’s advertising income.
Another tremendous benefit I envision is a newspaper that brings back the quality of yesteryear. Remember the journalistic awards these papers used to win? I would pay more to get more.
Please at least give my idea a passing thought. I would love to hear an editorial response.
Editor’s note: It has always been, and remains, the intention of the owners of the Caribou, Houlton and Presque Isle weekly newspapers to retain their individual character and unique mission to serve the towns in their immediate circulation area with the important community news and events. Much like the fiercely independent populations they serve, these publications have reflected the economic realities of the times for nearly 150 years — expanding during the good times and tightening the belt during hard times. While merging two small weeklies into one bigger weekly might sound plausible from a business standpoint, those who are in the weekly newspaper business know that it is this steadfast commitment to remaining local that will position us to grow again when things improve in the marketplace as we believe they will.