Washburn Elementary School students

16 years ago

Photo courtesy of Colleen Good
    THE “GRAPHICS DEPARTMENT” for this year’s Newspapers in Education project included members of the 5th-grade at Washburn Elementary School, including, front row, from left: Valerie Flood, Brooklyn Plummer, Natalie Doody, Tyler Jardine, Justin Davis, Riley Hall and Brittany Willitte. Middle row:  Mariah Campbell, Emilia Churchill, Laine Mette, Noah Caron, Parker Thompson, Derek Baker, Carter Doak, Riley McGrath and Mitchell Cannon. Back row: Kaylee Levesque, Savannah Theriault, Jessica Aube, Elizabeth White, Taylor Howe, Brandon Cropley, Jarett Olson, Joshua Reed, Jenica Harris and Brandon Farley.




ImagePhoto courtesy of Colleen Good
    TAKING A BREAK from their NIE ad are Washburn 5th-grade students Noah Caron and Derek Baker.







ImagePhoto courtesy of Colleen Good
    TAKING A BREAK from their NIE ad are Washburn 5th-grade students Noah Caron and Derek Baker.







Image Photo courtesy of Colleen Good
    SERVICE WITH A SMILE — How could anyone say no to a sales team with smiles like these? Washburn students Valerie Flood and Brittany Corey worked together to create an ad for the annual Newspapers in Education supplement.








ImagePhoto courtesy of Colleen Good
    NATALIE DOODY, a student at Washburn Elementary, concentrates on finishing her NIE advertisement.









ImagePhoto courtesy of Colleen Good
    STUDENTS FROM WASHBURN Elementary School helped design ads for the annual NIE supplement of the Star-Herald, including 5th-graders Jarett Olson and Parker Thompson, shown here working on the project. 










ImagePhoto courtesy of Colleen Good
    DISCUSSING THE DETAILS of their NIE ad are Washburn students Laina Mette and Joshua Reed.