Community Notebook

16 years ago
By Lois Downing

Take Off Pounds Sensibly #233 of Houlton met at the Aldergate building on High Street for its April 3 meeting. There were 24 ladies present including four KOPS.
    Joyce Estey led the meeting and Elinor Harvey was the official greeter. Loser of the week was Dellie Bennett with Denise Kinney as the runner-up.
The walking papers were distributed. We did the Easter coloring contest for Charlotte Marley, our contest person.
Gerry McAfee took the mystery gift home and the skinny dish went to Barbara Grant. Janette Nelson gave the treasurer’s report.
The installation of officers took place at this meeting with Charlotte Marley as the installing officer. The following are officers, Joyce Estey, leader; Brenda Lacostic, co-leader; Vicki Little, secretary; Janette Nelson, treasurer; Denise Kinney, weight recorder and Joanne Scott, co-weight recorder.
After the installation, Barbara Troy presented Joyce with a gift and words of appreciation. Joyce in turn gave gifts to all officers and replied by saying all the officers and the ladies present should work together for the good of the chapter. The non-officers replied in unison to give their “all.”
The weigh-in is every Friday from 8-8:45 a.m. and the meeting starts at 9. It lasts about an hour.
If you need more information on the chapter you may call Charlotte Marley at 757-8483 or Betty Ivey at 532-9453.
The next meeting is April 10. All are welcome.

Ricker Rumblings
By Lois Downing

Hello again. I hope everybody out there is doing well.
This is Holy Week. We were happy to see Bill Roach in church on Sunday. Bill has been in the hospital for a number of months and is now at rehab at Madigan. Glad to see you better, Bill.
Marion Hogan is glad to be home from the hospital. Sylvia Thompson is now a tenant here at the plaza. We hope Sylvia’s tenure here is a long and joyous one. Bob and Carmen Chasse are planning to spend Easter weekend at their son’s with their family in Steuben. Hope a nice weekend, friends. Althea Lloyd’s daughter has been at Ricker this weekend visiting her mother at Madigan Estates. My daughter Kathryn Hall was also here for a visit with me this past weekend.
When a person is too tired to give you a smile, give them one of yours. Nobody needs a smile so much as the person who has none to give.
It’s time to wish our readers a happy and glorious Easter. It has come around the calendar once again. Happy Easter.
Our passage this day is…when you pray, I will listen. You will find me when you seek me… (Jeremiah 29:12-12). Have a nice week.

Red Hat Society
By Barbara Grant

The Red Hat Society Border Belles gathered for brunch March 25 at the Elm Tree Diner. Correspondence and thank-you cards were read. Birthday cards were presented to Marge Melvin and Marilyn Tidd.
Names were drawn for the surprise gifts and Dottie King won a humorous plaque and Sara Regent received a daily quotation booklet.
Some of the members will be traveling to Presque Isle on Saturday, April 25 to attend the 11th birthday bash of the National Red Hat Society.
Those in attendance for lunch were, Dottie King, Sara Regent, Linda Cassidy, Priscilla Munroe, Josephine Holmes, Melva Folsom, Margaret Dudley, Joyce Esty, Marge Melvin, Carolle Milliken, Marge Pannell, Irene Jackson, Lois Morin and Queen Mother, Barbara Grant.
Watch for a date for the next Border Belles gathering.

Oakfield seniors

There were 23 members and one guest that met at the Oakfield snow mobile club on April 1. After grace we had a good potluck dinner.
Bob Locke led us in the Lord’s Prayer and the flag salute. The secretary and treasurer’s reports were read and accepted. Wanetta gave the card report.  Marie Gelotti did a great job decorating the club.
Troy Hine judged the Easter bonnets and Wanetta Towsend won the prize. The guest speaker was Troy Hine who works for the government. He spoke on insurance and prescription drugs. He gave us a lot of ideas to think about and how we could help ourselves.
Mary Lawler, Pete Peters and Marie Gelotti won the mystery gifts.
Attending were Tessie Barrett, David Burpee, Evelyn and Merle Burpee, Bernice Campbell, Alma Clark, Thelma Flowers, Arlene Friel, Marie Gellotti, Mary Lawler, Wanetta Townsend, Bob and Delores Locke, Charlotte Lowell, Charlotte and Don Marley, Peggy and Larry Sanders, Roger Ethier, Shirley Smith, Kathleen Boutlier, and Pete and Eldon Peters.

Island Falls luncheon

The Island Falls Senior Citizens met on April 2, at the municipal building for a potluck luncheon.
After the Lord’s Prayer and Flag Salute, the meeting was called to order by the president, Terry Dwyer. Secretary’s report was read and accepted. No treasurer’s report was given.
Discussion on our Spring outing; voted to go to Helen’s restaurant in Ellsworth, and rent a van from Wayne’s Auto Body.
We are invited to go to Easter dinner at SACHS on Aril 7.
The game was played and enjoyed by all.
Hope Anderson will entertain at our next meeting on April 16..
Those attending were: Mary Pipes, Mary Lawler, Helen Sherman, Gladys Ferguson, Verna MacArthur, Jim and Shirley D’Angelo, Terry Dwyer, Edith Dwyer, Edward Dwyer, Gloria Noyes, Ursula Levesque and Ellie Peck.

Sherman Senior citizens

On Wednesday, April 1, 2009, the Senior Citizens club, comprised of folks from around the Sherman area, Stacyville, Silver Ridge, Patten and Benedicta met for a pot luck lunch at the Sherman gym and played The Game to raise money for a summer outing early in June, when winter has finally given up and the earth will be green again.
We will celebrate Easter at the next meeting on April 15, 2009, with ham and all of the fixings, prepared by Annie and helpers. Plan to come and enjoy!
Present were a small but enthusiastic group, who livened up the Game players after the excellent delicious lunch.
Those present were Annie Atkinson, Eva Perry, Donna Grass, Bonita Staples, Joyce Chambers, Linniea Perry, Esther Greenier and Dean and Frances McKenney.