Casting call for 150 theatric and musical events

16 years ago
By Barbara Scott
Staff Writer

    Caribou’s Sesquicentennial Planning Committee extends an open invitation to the people of Caribou to consider singing in the Ecumenical Worship Service Choir or playing in the service music band on Sunday afternoon, September 6, or acting in the Historical Pageant Play on August 29 and 30. 

ImageContributed photo
    Historical Sesquicentennial Pageant playwright Phil Turner with Director Lynne Josselyn, left and Margaret Cyr, musical director of the Ecumenical Service, brainstorm for the special productions scheduled for Aug. 29, 30 and Sept. 6.

    This Historical Pageant play, written by Phil Turner, is based on outstanding events which have taken place throughout Caribou’s 150 years. There are many brief vignettes from times past with life depicted as you’ve heard of and or lived it. The play has acting roles available for women, men and youth as well as narrator positions.  Fifty to 75 actors are needed for this production. Backstage personnel are also needed regarding costuming, properties and technical  assistance.
    Anyone  interested in being involved with this event is encouraged to attend the rehearsal gatherings and tryout evenings at the Gray Memorial United Methodist Church located at the corner of Sweden and Prospect streets, on Monday, June 22 or Tuesday, June 23 at 7 p.m.
    Also anyone interested in the singing in the Ecumenical Service Choir or playing in the Worship Band are asked to call Margaret Cyr at 493-3028. The Worship Service is grounded on the following phrase from the “Gloria Patri”: “as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be.” This thematic approach will be expressed in scripture, song, choir music, preaching and a grand processional. The band and the choir will begin rehearsals in July.
    These two events and your opportunity to participate, occur only once in 150 years. Come and join in, especially if your ancestors were among the early Caribou settlers.
     For more information contact Lynne Josselyn  896-7906 or e-mail     
    It’s Caribou’s 150th birthday — Be a part of it!