Staff Writer
During the May 12 meeting, members of the Robert A. Frost Memorial Library Board of Trustees in Limestone honored retiring trustee Robert Phair. Phair, who has served on the board for 27 years, beginning in 1982, recently submitted his letter of resignation which was accepted at the May meeting.
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Robert Phair, center, was recently recognized by fellow Robert A. Frost Memorial Library Trustee members during a celebration held in his honor. Phair who served on the board of trustees for 27 years had recently submitted his letter of resignation from the board. With Phair are in front, from left: Bob King, Rea Caldwell, Pat Zenzius, Joanne Worthen, Marilyn King and Linda Page. In back are Arthur Thompson and Adam Kohler. Also present at the celebration were Jean Bernier, Cindy Edgecomb, Helen St. Pierre, Mary Webster, Nancy Ward, Tom McCormack, Marilyn McCormack, Marilyn Beaulieu and Shirley Goade. Marilyn King, chair of the library board of trustees stated in her comments, “We have been really fortunate to have a library science graduate and experienced librarian to serve with us. You have lent your expertise to all of us.”
Those in attendance were reminded that Phair’s service to the library has gone beyond the regular trustee meetings in that he volunteered weekly at the establishment and most recently worked on the Library’s Capital Campaign.