Community Notebook

16 years ago

Ricker Rumblings
By Lois Downing
What’s new everybody? Lots of rain over the holiday season. Good for the gardens and what ails you, ha!    A notice on our bulletin boards reveals that the Golden Belles will entertain us in the community room on June 2. That will be all over by the time this reaches you. These ladies sang and played instruments at our RSVP banquet. They added a lot to the entertainment, old time songs and those we like. The group consists of Dottie Alward, Sharon Fitzpatrick, Mim Nichols and Polly Taylor. Thanks, ladies.
Our RSVP banquet was very good. Lots of awards and prizes. I came home with a big bowl of fresh flowers. They were beautiful. My friend brought home a gallon of cleaner for the car windshield and another gallon of something else for the car, very generous. The dinner consisted of broccoli, special chicken, meat, potatoes, rolls, coffee and oatmeal cookies. The girls and boys from the Greater Houlton Christian Academy helped to serve. They were a nice asset to the group. One young lady helped me to the car with my packages. Now that is service. Thank you very much.
Are you going to Woodstock or other parts of New Brunswick soon? Passports are due June 1, I’m told.
My daughter, Kathryn Hall from Bangor was in town visiting with me this past weekend.
Alice McQuarrie, a friend to many and a sister to Alma Gallop, is a patient at Maine Medical Center. I’m told she is very ill.
Dana Adams, son of Jean Adams, has been visiting his mother from Florida.
My brother, Paul Phelan spent an overnight with me recently. He has returned to Westbrook where he lives and participated in the Clam Festival at Gorham a short time ago.
Harold McCarthy was in Skowhegan and Clinton a few days ago. Harold was checking out the horses besides doing other things. His daughter accompanied him.
The staff had a potluck last Saturday. I was absent, but it was very good, as always. Thank you very much.
I attended an SRD meeting in Bangor with several other ladies last Friday and Saturday. Your TOPS reporter was in a skit at the Bangor Auditorium.
The following is one of my favorites, taken from Saint Francis of Assisi: “Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace! Where there is hatred, let me sow love; Where there is injury, pardon; Where there is doubt, faith; Where there is despair, hope; Where there is darkness, light; Where there is sadness, joy.” How beautiful.
Have a safe and healthy week.

Purple Hat Society

By Lois Downing
The Purple Hat Society ladies met at Brookside Restaurant in Smyrna for its May 12 meeting. About 20 ladies attended. Charlotte Marley. leader, was present to welcome the ladies. Everyone wore a purple hat, each one different.
Name calling was given, according to the first letter of each participant. This can be exciting. The blessing before the meal was given by Wannetta Townsend.
“Happy Birthday” was sung to those observing birthdays in May: Helen Blois, Kay Grass, Ursula Levesque and Cora Clark.
Peggy Sanders and Sandra Holmes made an appearance; both underwent surgery a short time ago.
Joanne Scott was welcomed from a long stay in Florida.
Arlene Friel and Charlotte Marley each had readings, well received.
The winner of the purple shoe was Arlene Friel.
Attending from Cary were, Joanne Scott, Denise Kinney; from Dyer Brook, Sandra Wyman, Wannetta Townsend, and Marie Gillotti; from Houlton, Paula Wyman and Betty Wyman, from Smyrna, Peggy Sanders and Charlotte Marley; from Merrill, Arlene Friel. Also from Oakfield, Elaine Barrett, Jackie Kennedy, Nancy Lawrence, Mildred Gagnon, Bernice Campbell, Maureen Bird, Evelyn Burpee, Alma Clark, Ursula Levesque and Sandra Holmes.
The next meeting will be at Elm Tree Diner in Houlton on June 9.

Oakfield Seniors

On May 20, the Oakfield Senior Citizens met at the Smoki-Haulers Snowmobile Club. Fresh fiddleheads picked that morning were a special treat for the potluck luncheon and enjoyed by everyone. Wannetta Townsend asked the blessing on the food.
Don Marley opened the business meeting with the Lord’s Prayer and Flag Salute. Mystery gift winners were Pete Peters and Marie Gillotti. All reports were read and accepted.
The Oakfield Historical Society has announced that it will be holding its Railfan Day on July 18. The schedule of events will be from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. at the Railroad Station and from 4-6 p.m. Supper at the Oakfield Community Building followed by music and dancing from 6-9 p.m.  For more information call 757-8239.
Attending were: Elden Peters, Helen and Jim Blois, David Burpee, Bernice Campbell, Mildred Gagnon, Jackie Kennedy, Arlene Friel, Wannetta Townsend, Geneva Bell, Pete Peters, Peggy and Larry Sanders, Sandra and Wendell Holmes, Marie Gillotti, Nancy Lawrence, Ursula Levesque, Evelyn and Merle Burpee, Alma Clark, Bud and Lois MacDonald and Don and Charlotte Marley.
The next meeting will be on June 3 at the snow club. For more information, call Delores Locke 757-8478.Come join us.

Happy Losers

By Shirley Sides
The weekly meeting of the Happy Losers was held May 27 at the Congregational Church vestry in Island Falls.
We always open our meeting with our pledge and roll call. We had 10 ladies weigh-in and nine attended our class. Our weight loss is getting better each week, as each of us can get outdoors and walk more.
Winnie Desmond was the loser of the week, and Annie Jane Smith was runner-up Great job ladies! Reports were given by our secretary and treasurer for the week.
On May 20, we had lunch at Gillmore’s in Lincoln for our spring outing. The trip was enjoyed by all and the food was excellent. Frances McKenney was the loser for the month of May.
Please feel welcome to our group, each Wednesday from 7:30-8:45 a.m. weigh-ins and meeting starts at 9 a.m. Call 365-4884 for more information. See you there.
A Garden Birthday party was given by Paula-Sides Wilson for her mother, Shirley Sides on May 23 at the Congregational Church vestry in Island Falls. Shirley turned 70 years old.
Her gifts were related on plants, such as Lilies, hanging plants and perennials.
Those attending were Loretta Bouchard, Annie Jane Smith, Dotty Rand, Hilda Clukey, Gretchen Rush, Jackie Pratt, Winnie Desmond, John and Sandra Anderson, Mary Pipes, Tim and Joan Side Chris and Sam Sides. Paula-Sides Wilson and Olivia, Merlyne Ryan and Rudolph Raymond, and Riva Hawkes.
Refreshments were enjoyed by all, and of course, a birthday cake.

TOPS #ME 233, Houlton

By Lois Downing
Take Off Pounds Sensibly Chapter 233 of Houlton met at the Aldergate building on High Street May 29 for its Friday meeting.
Eighteen ladies were weighed including four KOPS (Keep Off Pounds Sensibly). Joanne Scott gave the recorder’s readings and we had roll call.
Guests were Laurel and Eva Hamm, Shirley Drew and Linda Bartlett. We had a demonstration of line dancing led by Laurel and Eva Hamm and they demonstrated several dances. Most of the ladies learned a new dance and we thank you very much.
We worked on our new contest.
Denise Kinney was loser of the week with runner-up Joanne Scott.
Leader Joyce Estey read a thank you letter from Paulette Soliere stating how much she enjoyed SRD. In the letter, she told us that the next workshop will be in Madawaska June 20.
There are many contests starting June 1 and ending August 31, namely: grin and bear it award, give me 5, wide pearly whites, brightest smile, helping hand, miles of smiles, no red marks, happy laughter, happy loser and double digits.
Barbara Grant thanked all the ladies who attended SRD. They are Donna Parent, Betty Ivey, Ardella Bennett, Brenda Lacostic, Denise Kinney, Joanne Scott, Lois Downing, Opal LeBlond, Margaret Dudley, Barbara Grant, Joyce Estey and Melva Folsom. Barbara Grant was graduated into KOPS and wore a white sash, and crown.
ImageContributed photograph
GRADUATED – Barbara Grant of Houlton recently graduated to Keep Off Pounds Sensibly (KOPS) at the Bangor Auditorium during the State Recognition Day. Together at the event are, from left, Melva Folsom, mentor of Grant; Joyce Estey, leader of TOPS and Grant.

The skinny dish was won by Gerry McAfee, 50/50 by Charlotte Marley and Joanne Scott for the mystery gift.
The next meeting will be June 5 when we will have Janice Cote as guest.
Donna Marley was presented with an angel pin, as secretly voted on by the chapter and Denise Kinney also received a secret ballot pin. We are really proud of our ladies who have worked hard all year and represent us.
If you wish more information on the chapter, you may call Charlotte Marley at 757-8483.
The meeting starts at 9 a.m. after the weigh-in which is 8-8:45 a.m.
Everybody is welcome.

News From Bridgewater

Jann Bonkowski Votaw
The Bridgewater Historical Academy would like to announce that its Wednesday Night Line-Dance lessons will not be held on June 10 or 17 due to town meetings on those nights.
Lessons will continue on Wednesday nights beginning again on June 24. Bring your dancing shoes. All that is required is a donation. The classes begin at 7 p.m. until 8:30. Proceeds from the classes go towards building maintenance.
Practice what you learned Wednesday and Thursday nights at the BHA’s live music night, featuring music from the 50s, 60s, 70s. Music begins at 6 p.m. and continues on until 9. Proceeds from the music night will go towards completing the replacement of the hall’s sound system.
For more information contact Denis Gagne at 429-8290.

Sherman Seniors

The Senior Citizens’ Club met in Sherman, comprised of folks from the surrounding towns of Benedicta, Stacyville, Silver Ridge and Patten, who enjoyed the potluck lunch together and a short meeting.
Mark your calendars for a summer outing. It has been decided to meet at Debbie’s Deli for lunch on July 1, at noon in mid-town Patten.
We shall play the Game at the next meeting on June 3, at our regular place, Sherman Gym, after our potluck lunch.
There were only eight of us at the meeting, Fred and Annie Atkinson, Ginie Garrett, RSVP person, Linniea Perry, Donna Grass, Sandra Qualey, Bonita Staples and Esther Greenier.