Community Notebook

16 years ago

Sherman Area Senior Citizens  
The Sherman, Stacyville, Silver Ridge and Benedicta Club of Senior Citizens met at the Sherman gym on Wednesday, June 17, for lunch.
    Plans were decided upon to meet at Debbie’s Deli Restaurant in Patten, on July 1, for a 12 p.m. lunch, using our own cars. Call Annie to report your intent of attending, if you weren’t at our meeting of June 17, to hear the plans. We are sure that no one wants to be left out, right? Let us meet at Irvings’ parking lot by 11:30 a.m., to arrive together at Debbie’s.
Are you happy to finally experience the date and feel the arrival of the summer season, that is announced on our calendars, every year at this time? Enjoy yourselves! Summer seems all too short, to those of us who live in this northern hemisphere.
Present at our meeting were Mary Lawler, Donna Grass, Eva Perry, Bonita Staples, Terese Albert, Dean and Frances McKenney, Fred and Annie Atkinson and two representatives from RSVP, Ginny Garrett and Connie Barry.

Happy Losers

By Shirley Sides
On June 24 the Happy Losers held their weekly meeting at the Congregational Church vestry in Island Falls. The meeting was opened with our pledge and roll call. There were 17 ladies weighing-in and 16 attended our class. We welcomed Avis, Ruby and Jill to our group.
Brenda Raymond was the loser of the week and Lois Green was runner-up. Lois Green was the loser of the month of June. Great job ladies! Our weight losers have been great. The Turkey Dogs are still ahead in our contest.
Our secretary and treasurer gave reports for the week.
Our leader, Jackie Pratt led the program for the week. Her topic was on an article in the Readers Digest called Diet for a Longer Life.
Please feel welcome to our group every Wednesday at 7:30 a.m. to 8:45. Weigh-ins and meeting starts at 9 a.m. Call 365-4884 for more information. See you there.

Island Falls Notes

By Riva Hawkes
On May 24, Alison Berry, daughter of Steve and Donna Berry, was guest of honor at a bridal shower held in the vestry of the Whittier Congregational Church. The affair was organized and catered by her sisters, Christina Lento and Stephanie Berry, with the bridal cake made by Christina.
Many friends and relatives were there to wish the very best for Alison, whose wedding was planned for June 27.
I had a big surprise on June 20, while I was working as a volunteer at the Upper Room Clothing Store in Sherman. About 12:30 in the afternoon, in walked my sister, Phyllis and her daughter, (Riva the 3rd) from the great state of New Hampshire. It was a spur of the moment decision for them to make that long drive, despite the lousy weather. They enjoyed browsing through the store before coming back to Island Falls for a two-day visit. They left for home on Monday.
I am still feeding the goldfinch and chickadees, plus an occasional woodpecker and blue jay. I keep an eye on the black cat so that he doesn’t sneak up on any of them. I think I have him quite well trained to stay away from the cedar tree where the feeders are. I finally saw a deer in my back lawn about five days ago, it was busy feeding and also keeping an eye on the four big crows that were also feeding out there. I am still hoping the fawns will arrive some day, then the fun begins as they really leap and cavort all over the huge back lawn.