From our Files: Headlines from 100 years of local news.

16 years ago

Compiled by Karen Donato
Staff Writer

100 Years Ago-July 7, 1909
Aroostook Times

    Elks — The concrete curbing around the Elks building is completed and is one of the best jobs ever done of this kind.     Weather — Monday was one of the coldest days for the time of year we have experienced for some time. With a cold wind, rain, hail and sunshine in many places, fires were comfortable.
    Cancelled — No official Fourth was celebrated in Houlton this year, as the merchants and other citizens are putting their energies into the Merchants Carnival which takes place next month.

75 Years Ago- July 5, 1934
Houlton Pioneer Times

    Portrait — Joseph Cummings Chase, a noted New York artist, has painted a portrait of Arba Eugene Powers to hang in the Blaine House in Augusta. Powers, one of the foremost character actors in the United States and a native of Houlton, has taken part in over 300 plays.
    Monticello — The members of the Masonic Lodge accompanied by a good delegation from Houlton attended the Methodist Church Sunday. Special music was furnished by a male quartet consisting of Arnold Day, Glen Temple, Harold Rush and Marvin Archibald with Maxine Foster as accompanist.
    Smyrna Mills — The Methodist Church has purchased pews from the Lubec Methodist Church. They were installed last week and used for the first time Sunday.
    Island Falls — About 125 couples attended the opening dance at Birch Point Pavilion and enjoyed the excellent music of Al Rogers’ orchestra. The pavilion was tastefully decorated in evergreens and rope of daisies, the word Welcome was arranged in daisies on a background of green, giving it a very attractive appearance.
ImageContributed photo
FILL ‘ER UP — Wouldn’t you love to pull up to the gas station and get six gallons of gas for $1? Paul Shields sent this photo of his brother, Charles Shields, Jr. sitting on a sign in front of J. S. Lougee’s Garage in Oakfield around the year of 1936.

50 Years Ago-July 2, 1959
Houlton Pioneer Times

    Girls Scouts — 50 Girl Scouts from the Houlton Council were guests of the Woodstock, N.B. Girl Guides at a picnic on Island Park in the middle of the Saint John River.
    Harness driver — Jean Ellis, of Houlton, only licensed harness driver of her sex in Maine, will be seen July 4 when she rides during the harness races at Community Park.
    Parade — Elks officials have announced the highest cash prizes ever offered for a parade. First place will be $100, second prize, $75 and third prize, $50 for floats entered in the annual parade.
    Island Falls — Reneva Jones and Kay Carson were guests of honor at a going away party held at the home of Betty Ann Astle, with Gail Sewall as co-hostess.
    Patten — Gary Campbell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Campbell and Jon Smallwood, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harris Smallwood have gone to Fort Dix, N.J. for basic training in the United States Army.

25 Years Ago-July 4, 1984
Houlton Pioneer Times

    Queen — Joleen Cronkhite will represent Houlton at the Maine Potato Blossom Pageant in Ft. Fairfield.
    Jail — A committee has been studying ways to eliminate problems with the Aroostook County Jail. Recommendations have been made to build a new facility in Caribou.
    Senior privileges — Elwood Scott, principal of Houlton Jr. Sr. High School has recommended that senior privileges be discontinued. They were initiated to eliminate overcrowding at the high school, but due to the decrease in enrollment Scott seeks to reverse the privilege. He also feels that seniors are taking only a minimum amount of subjects because they know they can leave during their free periods.
    Oakfield — Marilyn Burton left by plane from Bangor for a visit with relatives in Rancho Cordova, Calif. Mrs. Pansy Burton and Mrs. Virgie Bartlett took her to Bangor, returning in the same day.
    Sherman Mills — The Sherman Extension held its annual outing at Bither’s Country Inn in Linneus. Mrs. Ruth Ross of Houlton was a guest and was presented with a gift.
    Island Falls — Airman 1st Class Mark S. Crane, son of Edward S. and Eva M. Crane has been decorated with the Air Force Achievement Medal in Hasting, Neb.
    On tour — Gail Jackins and Rick Nickerson, former Houlton High School students have had the honor of being chosen to tour with the University of Maine Singers for two weeks in Europe.