Northern Maine Community College announces spring 2009 Dean’s List

15 years ago

PRESQUE ISLE, Maine – Northern Maine Community College Vice President and Academic Dean Alan Punches has announced the Dean’s List for the college’s 2009 spring semester. Two hundred fourteen full-time students achieved a 3.20 average or better; 36 of these students were named to high honors with a grade point average of 3.85 or better. Twenty students had the distinction of earning a perfect 4.0 grade point average.     “These students have worked so hard to distinguish themselves and I am delighted to honor their accomplishments,” said Punches. “Going to college is not without its challenges, and staying in college isn’t easy. Succeeding at college is more difficult still, and I hope the friends and family of the students we honor here join me in celebrating the commitment and hard work of these fine individuals.”
Those being named to the Dean’s List include:
High Honors (3.85-4.0)
 In Maine: Tanya L. Clark*, Kenny R. LeTourneau*, Dustin L. Oakes, Julie L. Orcutt and Roland W. Wortman* of Ashland, Betsey E. McPherson* of Bowdoin, Zachary W. Dinsmore, Yolanda D. Duy, Joshua P. Goodale, Amanda R. McNeal, and Janet Tang* of Caribou, Shane K. Ireland of Chapman, April M. Busse* of Easton, Elizabeth M. Jalbert* of Fort Kent, Lisa L. Clark* of Garfield Plantation, Amber R. Libby of Hollis, Jonathan P. McQuarrie* of Houlton, Tadd A. Devoe* of Limestone, Robert Gagnon* of Madawaska, Jenni L. Maynard of Mapleton, Trudy M. Lilley* of Masardis, Kimberly S. Wright of New Limerick, Alicia R. Doyle* of North Berwick, Lisa A. Cadd*, Leann M. Klinger, Vonda L. McNally, Albert Y. Nadeau*, David P. Shemkovitz and Alyssa J. Symonds*, all of Presque Isle; Audrey R. Charette* of Smyrna Mills, Kristen E. Vaillancourt* of Van Buren, Erin E. Farley of Washburn, Stas’ L. Ginish* of Weston, and Ethan R. Garceau of Wiscasset.
 Out of State: Kimberly J. Rotge* of Kerrville, Texas.
    Canada: Angela J. Ashworth of Plaster Rock, NB.
* Achieved a perfect 4.0 semester.
Honors (3.20-3.84)
In Maine: Edward E. Bellanceau, Jeremy E. Poulin and Nicole L. Poulin of Ashland, Justin E. Lyshon of Bangor, Charlotte B. Grass and Lindsey D. Kinney of Blaine, Elizabeth M. Tyler of Blue Hill, Jessica E. Gal, Jennifer R. Holcombe and Brock M. Kingsbury of Bridgewater, Desiree E.L. Chisholm, Aaron J. Conroy, Ryan L. Corrigan, Katie M. Corriveau, Monique B. Cyr, Kyle T. Damboise, Jenna L. Disy, Carlin A. Dubay, James D. DuVal, Julie A. Ellis, Tyler R. Giles, Laurie G. Hartley, David A. Levasseur, Stanley R. MacArthur, Ryan J. Michaud, Aaron G. Olmstead, Ashlee M. Ouellette, Jamie R. Ouellette, Tracey M. Patterson, Jeri L. St. Peter, Damien L. Tetlow, Tyler J. Theriault, Katherine M. Wilcox, Adriana G. Wing, Charles C. Zappone and Sherri M. Zyblut, all of Caribou; Gabriel L. Cheney, Michelle M. Ellis, Rachel A. Ellis and Lindsey A. Rockwell of Castle Hill, Michael A. Lewin of Chapman, Brian J. Nadeau of Connor, Douglas O. Grant and Joseph A. Levesque III of Crystal, Tammy L. Smith of Danforth, Whitney L. Haskell of Deer Isle, Mathew S. Pelletier of Eagle Lake, Matthew J. Blodget, Tamara E. Dayringer, Brittney M. LaFrance and Holly Nadeau of Easton, Melanie F. Davenport, Travis E. DeWitt, Mallory S. Ferrier, Ethan P. Hill, Michelle D. Parady and Michelle N. Perley of Fort Fairfield, Randy D. Caron and Lucas W. Jarrett of Fort Kent, Daniel P. Dionne of Grand Isle, Tamara M. DeOliveira of Hamlin, Sharon M. Philbrook of Hodgdon, Darrell W. Barton Sr., Leah A. Bates, Amy M. Blanchard, Aaron J. Cyr, Richard D. Michaud, Natalia A. Mowrey, Damon L. Stone and Tammy L. Tompkins, all of Houlton; Christina J. Schmidt of Island Falls, Sean M. Brogan of Leeds, Keith A. Crouse, Tina A. Dorr, Hannah S. Elliott, James W. Elliott, Michael D. Fitzsimmons and Jeff M. Thuo of Limestone, Nicole M. Bechard and Craig D. Cyr of Madawaska, Parker B. Brown, Daniel W. Butts, Danielle R. Clark, Joshua R. Clayton, Shauna L. Johnston, Buddy L. LaCombe, Brandan G. Pinchott, Andrea Ritchie, Seth H. Swanson and Kimberly D. Woodworth of Mapleton.
Also, Stephen D. Burtchell, Alexandria E. Dame, Ashley N. Gray and Michelle M. Tweedie of Mars Hill, Misty L. Robinson and James R. Rushinal of Masardis, Samuel J. Howard of Mercer, Kevin P. Demmons and Lance R. Getchell of Milford, Glen E. Peterson of New Sweden, Mitchell J. Small of Oakfield, Christina A. Stadig of Oxbow, Carmen R. Tilley and Joshua C. Wain of Perham, William A. Belanger and Wesley J. Page of Portage Lake, Thomas J. Anderson, Neil W. Berry, Christopher K. Boulier, Katrina L. Boyles, Linda A. Burlock, Derek A. Clair, Jessie A. Cote, Jeffrey R. Cropley, Courtney L. Cyr, Matthew R. Dobson, Ronald R. Doustou, Kassandra D. Dumais, Vernon M. Easler, Ryan R. Forsyth, Matthew R. Guimond, Jeffrey T. Hardgrove, Nichole C. James, Morgan E. Kiser, Trent T. Legassie, Daniel B. MacFarline, Shannon R. Marquis, Lindsey N. Mason, Elizan J. McLean, Leo J. Morenault, Nicholas K. Norton, Kay D. O’Clair, Mitchell F. Panati, Vincent S. Pelletier, Michael A. Pinette, Ryan W. Pratt, Walter N. Proulx, Sheri L. Pryor, Dustin G. Punches, Bruce E. Ricker, Vanninnia K. Small, Virginia L. Smith, Glen C. Tranbarger, Mary E. Woollard, Guthrey D. York and Eric J. York, all of Presque Isle; Casey M. Savage of Sherman, Michael J. Folsom of Smyrna Mills, Ashley M. Ayotte, Travis A. Collins and Paul E. Soucy of St. Agatha, Shawn D. Cote of St. David, Clarissa L. Gallagher of Stacyville, Brandon S. Raven of Thorndike, Thomas L. Berry of Turner, Kyle J. Chasse, Tonya M. Corriveau, Elena R. Dumond, Kenny L. Ouellette and Steve D. Poitras of Van Buren, Wanda L. Campbell, Wendy M. Deeves, Todd A. Doody, Robert D. Ewing, Lucas J. Hafford, Owen C. Harris and Robert J. Sines of Washburn, Joseph D. Gilley of West Enfield, Brian E. Stover of Winter Harbor, Joseph S. Giberson of Winthrop, and Ethan R. Garceau and Nicholas R. Grover of Wiscasset.
 Out of State: Kylie J. Porter of Fall River, Mass., Richard Pawson Jr. of Manhatten, Kansas, and Seth T. Sjolander of Wheelock, Vt.
 Canada: Jenise L. Albert of Drummond, NB, Joshua J. Bolster of Perth-Andover, NB, Derek D. Schriver of Rosedale, NB, and Andrea M. Walsh of Tobique Narrows, NB.