By Shirley Sides
On Sept. 9, the Happy Losers held their weekly meeting at the Congregational Church vestry in Island Falls. Jackie Pratt, our leader had charge of the meeting.
We always have our pledge and roll call. We had fourteen ladies weigh-in and 10 attended our meeting.
Dotty Rand was the person who lost the most weight for the week, and we have no runner-up. Great job Dotty.
We have decided to have another contest. One team is going to be called Autumn Leaves, and the other one Harvest Moon.
Reports were given by our secretary and treasurer for the week, We paid our rent for the year and sent the pantry a donation.
Riva Hawkes led the program for the week. Her topic was “eggs” and “Think before you eat.”
Meetings are always interesting. Please feel welcome to our group every Wednesday 7:30 to 8:45 a.m. Weigh-ins and meetings start at 9 a.m. Call 365-4884 for more information.
The Happy Losers also held their weekly meeting on Sept. 2 at the Congregational Church in Island Falls. Jackie Pratt, our leader had charge of the meeting. We had our pledge and roll call.
We had 12 ladies weigh-in and 10 attended our class.
Riva Hawkes was the person who lost the most weight for the week and Jackie Pratt was runner-up. Great job ladies.
Reports by our secretary and treasurer were given for the week.
Jackie Pratt led the program for the week. Her topic was on calories. Hilda Clukey was our greeter.
Please feel welcome to our group every Wednesday from 7:30 to 8 a.m. for weigh-ins and meeting starts at 9 a.m. Call 365-4884 for more information. Hope to see you there.
The Purple Hat ladies met at The Taste of China, Military Street, in Houlton for its September meeting.
Over 20 ladies attended. Leader Charlotte Marley was in attendance. Lois Downing offered grace before the meal.
The ladies entered with their purple hats, each different, and each gave her name when called upon. Gloria Fredericks of Woodstock, N.B. was a guest of Denise Kinney. We hope she will be able to come again. Rose Levesque was the winner of the “purple shoe.”
The news passed around that Doreen and Joe Messina were the winners of the recent Sock Hop for jitterbugging in Sherman. Now, isn’t that nice! Jitterbug was one of my favorite ways of dancing in the 40s, a long time ago. It was featured on “Dancing with the Stars,” in one of their television contests last season.
For September, Charlotte told us its flower is aster. She also had a story — “If my body were a car,” bringing some laughs. Marie Gillotti had some facts home remedies, also comical.
A puzzle was passed out celebrating Grandparent’s Day next Sunday.
October 13 is the next meeting date. If the snownobile club in Oakfield is not available at that time, we will meet at Grammy’s in Linneus. Watch the Houlton Pioneer Times for the place. Most of the ladies will come in costume in keeping with Halloween. If you don’t want to come in costume, please come just the same.
Those attending were: Arlene Friel, Delores Locke, Maureen Bird, Peggy Sanders, Evelyn Burpee, Wannetta Townsend, Marie Gillotti, Evelyn Johnston, Bernice Campbell, Joanne Scott, Elaine Barrett, Denise Kinney, Ursula Levesque, Doreen Messina, Sandy Wyman, Rose Levesque, Charlotte Marley, Lois Downing and guest Gloria Fredericks.
For information on the group, call Charlotte Marley at 757-8483 or any of the ladies mentioned. There are no dues, only a time of fellowship and fun.
By Lois Downing
Take Off Pounds Sensibly No. 233 of Houlton met at the Aldergate building on High Street for its Friday, Sept. 11 meeting.
Attendance was excellent on this cooler morning. After weigh-in the members met at the moose in the new park. Most of the members had taken their breakfast there instead of eating at a restaurant. Charlotte Marley brought her famous “monkey bread,” always delicious, and gave us an extra treat.
The weigh-in report was given by Joanne Scott, and the secretary’s report given by Lois Downing.
Roll call revealed it was a great loss for the chapter. Loser of the week was Gerry McAfee with Joanne Scott as runner-up.
For the meeting leader Joyce Estey told us that the bylaws were typed and we should be getting a copy soon. She also talked on the workshop in Van Buren Sept.12.
Janette Nelson gave a reading called “Lessons from the Geese.” It was a good reading and told how the geese form in the sky and we related the TOPS program and chapter to them.
The subject of water was the topic of Linda Bartlett’s program. It was in the form of questions and answers, and taken from Dr. Web on the internet. The facts are: only about one half of the people are drinking enough water; 75 fewer calories were consumed (one study) by people who drank water before a meal; the single and biggest cause of painful kidney stones is chronic dehydration.
Some of the ladies walked on the trails and others had their pictures taken by Charlotte. The outing proved to be a good one for TOPS.
Charlotte had no report on the latest contest, but each member revealed her points to her for the last two weeks.
Celebrating September birthdays are Janette Nelson, Barbara Grant, Ardella Bennett, and Melva Folsom.
Weigh-in time is at 8-8:45 and the meeting starts at 9 and usually ends at 10 o’clock every Friday, unless a holiday.
Everyone is welcome, teens, seniors and in-between. If you need answers from one of the ladies, you may call Betty Ivey at 532-9653 or Charlotte Marley at 757-8483.
Oakfield Seniors
On Sept. 2, a group of 27 members met at the Oakfield Snowmobile Club for thier first meeting in September. It was a good lunch with lots of pasta, ice cream and pie. The flag salute was led by our president as was the Lord’s Prayer.
The treasurer’s report s was read and accepted as was the secretary’s report and the card report. Larry Sanders won the 50-50 raffle.
Please feel free to join the senior citizens at the Oakfield Snowmobile Club on the first and third Wednesdays of the month.
Those attending were Peggy Sanders (secretary), Tessie Barret,Elvelyn and Merle Burpee, Bernice Campbell, Alma Clark, Jean Clements, Doreen and Joe Messina, Arlene Friel, Sandra and Wendall Homes, Marie Gelotti, Mary Lawler, Wanetta Townsend, Bob and Delores Locke, Lois and Bud MacDonald, Peggy and Larry Sanders, Roger Ethier, Shirley Smith, Geneva Bell, Pete Peters, Kathern Boutlier and Mike Swallow.
Bridgewater Historical Association
Today’s Bridgewater may be small, however that was not always true. Bridgewater was once a bustling town with theaters, pool halls, train station, and more. It is rich in history. Many families that reside here can trace their family’s roots several generations. Several others have come from across the country to settle in Bridgewater. Whether you family has been here for generations or you are just beginning to build your own history here, the BHA would like to invite you to join their organization.
The town has lost a great deal of its physical history due to two major fires. The BHA’s goal is to try to preserve what is left and to record history as it happens. You can help by joining and participating in our activities. If you are a local, you may want to share stories of your family’s history here, or share facts about the town. Perhaps you are a newcomer and would like to learn about the wonderful town you chose to settle in.
The next BHA meeting will take place at 6:30 p.m. on Sept. 21st at the BHA Hall. For more information about the BHA and its events please contact Leona Hess at 425-7946 or Jann Votaw at 425-7901.
Just a reminder until the weather changes the Live Music will continue at the hall on Thursday nights from 6-9 p.m. Come on out and join our merry group for a night of good music, fun and laughter. There is always room for more.
The BHA is also planning a Halloween party for adults next month, so keep your eyes and ears open for more details.
Community Notes
Eileen Bustard of Houlton says her younger brother, Jamey, has been in the Waterville Hospital for a week and sending him a card will help cheer him up. He has been temporarily out of work from his job at the Waterville Walmart due to surgery after his gall bladder ruptured.
You can send cards to Jamey Bustard, 13 Hathaway Street, Apt. 24, Waterville, ME 04901. And, Eileen will visit Jamey on Friday, Oct. 2. She says you can drop off cards or personal items for him at 39 Elm Street. Since he has no insurance, anything is appreciated.
For more information, call Eileen at 532-9870.
Ricker Rumbilngs
by Lois Downing
A beautiful day here, God’s country! The sun is out, some clouds and with a little breeze. Could anyone want more?
Back to work for this writer after a long holiday weekend, what is commonly known as the last of the summer. Hope not, for there is a lot to do in these parts and during the fall. The days are shorter and soon will be the time change.
Karen Bither had an outside fall and is hurting. Get better, Karen.
Paul Armstrong plays regularly at Crest View Manor on Calais Road. One or two of the Ricker ladies usually accompanies him.
Kaylee, Dianna Faulkner’s granddaughter who lives nearby and visits often on her bicycle, turned nine on Wednesday. She likes to visit with her grandmother and her Grammy likes having her.
Eugene and Lavina Byron were in Bangor on Thursday. They had the loan of a friend’s car and rode in style, they said.
Dot Campbell is getting along well and using a walker when necessary, after her fall and surgery. We are glad to have Dot back at her apartment as we missed her.
Barbara Spellman visits Madigan Estates on Wednesdays. She usually entertains by playing the piano, as she did for us in the community room one evening. The music was welcomed.
Marion Hogan, a second floor tenant, is now at the Gardiner Health Care Facility on Holland Street, having been moved from Houlton Regional Hospital. Marion, I’ll be in to see you soon.
Elinor Schenk spent the Labor Day weekend at her cottage on a nearby lake. Elinor had several games of cards, one of her hobbies.
Shirley Nason wants to say hello to her nieces, sister-in-law Sharon, Barbara and Darcy and her nephew Shane. Shirley is a delight to have as a neighbor, always willing to help and do a good deed.
Our sympathy is extended to Gerry Thomas in the death of his wife Marcia. Marcia had cancer for two years. She died in Ohio, where she was taking treatments near her sister. We will miss Marcia, a hard worker, a great church volunteer and one who liked fun. God bless Gerry and family.
The following was sent to me from a pen pal: Life would surely be sublime if everyone would take the time to do a thoughtful deed, time to lend a listening ear, to offer comfort, or send cheer, to someone who is in need and every burden you make lighter. Every minute you make brighter, will make you happy too. Good deeds are acts of love and beautiful reflections of Our Father! How true.
See you next week, God willing. In the meantime, keep well, love God and have a happy spirit.
Lake Family Reunion
The cousins of the Lake family met on Aug. 17, to honor their only living relative of the Lake family, Margaret Ingraham. We all met at the “A Place to Eat” in Oakfield.
Margaret was a hairdresser in Houlton for all of her career. She just celebrated her 93rd birthday. She has passed her gift down to several of her nieces and her daughter.
Those attending the luncheon were her daughter Sandra Hartford, nieces Roberta Lake Bray and husband Lucius, from Arkansas, Barbara Lake Berghauser from Tenn., and Judy Pipes Davis from Florida. From Houlton were Sally Lake Fitzpatrick and husband Bill, Betty Lake McGary and husband Roger, and Regina Cunliffe. Also attending were grand-niece Kurston and her sons, Dylan and Gabriel Fidalgo from Conn.
It was great to recall times past, and visit especially with Aunt Margaret.