• Henry A. Soucie has purchased the interests of his partner E. J. Fenderson in the ice business and will hereafter conduct the business alone, the firm’s name however will remain the same.
• Walter Bishop left Monday for Harvey Siding where he joined Otto Currier and John Farrell, who went last week, in the endeavor to bring home a couple of deer each.
• Miss Minnie McNelly and Miss Eva Washburn returned to Boston Monday where they will complete their course at the Boston Normal School of Gymnastics.
• Fremont Small has a field of potatoes which is yielding an average of 115 barrels to the acres — there is nothing remarkable in the yield except for the fact that this is the seventh successive year that potatoes have been planted in this particular field.
• Mrs. Dorothy Bartlett was named Miss Aroostook at the recent Charity Ball. The prize for foxtrot was won by Mrs. Thelma Clark of Caribou and Henry Prescott of Presque Isle. Winners of the prize waltz were Howard Michaud and Miss Blanche Billings of Presque Isle. Music was provided by Lewie Boy and His Vagabond Orchestra.
• Patrons at the Powers Theatre are certainly enjoying the performances there in greater comfort since the new seats have been placed. These luxurious seats are of the automobile type and are finely upholstered in rich gold and brown tapestry and are very roomy and comfortable. It is understood that these chairs are the first of their type to be placed in a theatre in Maine. They are the same as those being installed in the famous House of Magic, being built by the GE Company in New York City.
• Miss Lillian McCormack of Limestone, a student nurse at the Madigan Hospital in Houlton came home Monday for a few days.
• Miss Beulah Thibodeau, who has been spending her summer recess in Plattsburg, N.Y., has returned home to resume her position as teacher at the high school.
• Phillip and Mary Pendell, Ethel Mae Currier, Audrey Thibodeau and Roger Bouchard spent the weekend here at their homes returning to the University of Maine Sunday afternoon.
• Ralph Gardiner is confined to his home with injuries sustained in a recent automobile accident.
• Tommy Cox, who was injured by a truck last week, returned home after a few days in the hospital and will soon be back to work.
• Jerry Kidney, has enrolled at Husson College in Bangor. Jerry, who received a $250 scholarship at graduation time this spring, is studying business administration.
• At least six new cases of polio have been reported in Aroostook County in the last week. One of the new cases was in Caribou, this was the second to be reported from here.
• Paving of the new parking section at the Caribou Municipal Airport got underway this week.
• Caribou Fire Chief Don Woods doesn’t believe it is a record, but if so, “It is one to be thankful for.” His department hasn’t been called to a fire of consequence since Thursday, Aug. 6, when an outbreak in a shack on the old Limestone Road was quelled.