SMYRNA — Maple producers from around the state gathered at Spring Break in Smyrna Sept. 17 to learn about layout and installation of pipeline in a sugar-bush. Leader Evaporator Company representatives Bruce Gillilan and his son Bradley arrived at Spring Break on Tuesday and worked with owner Kevin Brannen for two days installing main lines, sap lines and drop lines.
Participants learned how important the layout of the pipeline is to good sap flow. They learned about the new material being used in the manufacturing of tubing, the new lighter color to keep sap cooler and the new check valve adapter to keep bacteria from entering the tap hole.
Contributed photo
TALKING SHOP — Bradley Gillilan from Leader Evaporator Company explains a wet-dry line system.
All participants got to see first hand how to install a main line. They got to participate in the installation of sap lines and drop lines and walked away with a wealth of knowledge that will be put to work in their sugar-bushes for increased sap production, higher quality and lighter maple syrup production.
The International Maple Syrup Institute (IMSI) and North American Maple Syrup Council (NAMSC) with representatives from 16 states and four provinces will be visiting Spring Break on Oct. 26 for a tour of their facility. Smyrna and Merrill Historical Society will be providing a luncheon for the group before they head to a logging demonstration in the Patten area and Pittston Farms for an overnight stay.