The descendants of Moses and Elizabeth Lenentine met Sept 6, 2009 for the 43rd annual Family Reunion. Families started gathering at the Monticello Club House around noon and shared their family news with our very own Lenentine Crier Reporter, Sandra Roy. At 1 p.m., we gathered to share a bountiful buffet potluck dinner with our blessing given by Louise Lenentine.
Immediately following dinner, the business meeting was called to order by Ashley Brewer filling in for president Kim Lenentine. Attendance for our 43rd Annual Reunion was respectively 43 family members and friends. Special guests were Allison Lenentine and Dana and Delores Briggs.
The secretaries’ report from Jane Lenentine included a new committee being appointed for the next reunion titled “The Lenentine Lobster Committee.” They will research the possibilities of serving lobster along with our usual potluck for our 2010 Reunion. As elegant as a lobster would be, the census agreed that we should not cancel our wonderful potluck dinners. The lobster would be purchased with our Family Reunion Funds, delivered and cooked by the committee. The Lenentine Lobster Committee members are: Karla, Ashley, Keith and Chris.
Mary and Cindy suggested we collect and complete a list of our families e-mail addresses for future use and to promote contact with one another throughout the year! Everyone was very pleased to share this information and we are looking forward to a completed list. Nametags were also mentioned for next year and all agreed that it would be a nice touch.
Karla Seaman gave the Treasurers Report. With the bank account running in the black it produced much discussion of serving lobster at our next reunion. Our auction and auctioneer has proven to be a great success.
Sandra Lenentine Roy, our Lenentine Crier Reporter, shared news and stories from each family attending, like only our reporter could.
Our oldest family member in attendance was Terry Martin, 91; while our youngest family member in attendance was Keenan Roy Bilavsky, 3-years-old. Traveling from afar was Bob Grass from Los Angeles, Calif.
It was voted and accepted to hold our 2010 reunion at the Monticello Club House, enjoy appetizers and gather at noon, visit and share our family memories with our reporter, serve a potluck buffet at 1 p.m., which will be followed by our business meeting and an auction. The 2009 business meeting was concluded with new officers elected for the year of 2010. They are as follows: president, Thom Roy; vice president, Angela Brewer; secretary, Jane Lenentine; and treasurer, Karla Seaman.