To the editor:
Veterans are coming back to our homes and hearts everywhere. Hopefully greeted by a hug and a kiss, but I am reminded by an older veteran brother that this has not always be the case for veterans of war.
The Vietnam War was a harsh war on veterans when they were called, they went like any soldier and we have a wall in memory of the dead. For those who lived, the soldiers of this time were not greeted when they got home with love and hugs, but for most they were called names and pushed aside. The grief and sadness was buried in their hearts like any soldier that serves, they don’t want to admit they’re suffering and put the burden on others.
Since America saw the past of veterans of the Vietnam War, we have treated soldiers better now. Because of the Vietnam Veterans suffering with ridicule, veterans today are able to benefit with a heroe’s welcome when they get home.
I was told by a veteran of the Vietnam War that he was hurt by seeing the soldiers being greeted with hugs and kiss when he was not. Well after telling this brother veteran I love him and respected his service, I told him that the greeting the soldiers are getting today is because of the disrespect he got in his day and that all the greeting of love today are for all veterans that have served.
Please everyone turn to all veterans and greet them home because some of them have not been greeted yet and are still waiting!
Dedicated to Mo, Joe and all veterans! Welcome home and I love you.
Iraq War veteran