CMS students observe Red Ribbon Week

15 years ago
By the Developmental Asset Team /Caribou Middle School
Special to the Aroostook Republican and News

    CARIBOU — Red Ribbon Week is an important tradition for the drug prevention community and especially for the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). On February 7, 1985 in Guadalajara, Mexico, DEA Agent Enrique (Kiki) Camarena was killed. In honor of Kiki’s memory and his battle against illegal drugs, friends and neighbors began to wear red badges.     The National Family Partnership organized the first Red Ribbon Campaign in 1988. Today, millions of young people and adults across the nation celebrate Red Ribbon Week, during the last week of October; helping to preserve Special Agent Camarena’s memory and further the cause for which he gave his life.   
  This year during Red Ribbon Week, Oct. 26—30, the Caribou Middle School’s Developmental Asset Team has planned fun activities at the school.
    Monday, Oct. 26, special Red Ribbon events will begin with an opening ceremony, held outside in the park, when every CMS student and teacher will tie a red ribbon to the chain-link fence in honor of those who have lost their lives in drug-related incidents, like Kiki.
    A flag will also be raised that bears signatures of students who are taking the pledge to stay drug free. This flag will fly during the remainder of Red Ribbon Week. In addition, students will enjoy an all red lunch in the school cafeteria and participate in fun dress-up days throughout the week.
    A presentation is also scheduled to be given by representatives from the Maine Winter Sports Center and the Caribou Wellness Center regarding finding a passion in life and living substance free.
    Members of the Developmental Asset Team at Caribou Middle School include Katie Pelletier, Nathan Wall, Sara Doak, Nathan Wyman, Krista Beaupre, Sarah Hamlin, Emmanuel Bouchard and Keith Draper.
    It is the hope of these team members that all Caribou Middle School students will enjoy the activities they have planned and that all Caribou Middle School students will pledge to live a drug-free lifestyle.