Church of the Good Shepherd hosts event

15 years ago

    On Saturday, Oct. 10, the Church of the Good Shepherd, Houlton, hosted an historical event, the first-ever international meeting of people from the Anglican Diocese of New Brunswick, Canada, and the Episcopal Diocese of Maine to discuss the formation and support of deacons.
    Those attending the meeting representing the New Brunswick Bishops’s Commission on the Diaconate were Mr. Thomas Nisbett, lay person, Chairperson of the Commission; the Rev. Fran Bedell, deacon, from Edmundston; the Rev. Neville Cheeseman, priest; the Rev. Amanda Longmoore, priest, from Plaster Rock; and the Rev. Joyce Perry, deacon, from Fredericton.
    The Diocese of Maine was represented by the Rev. Peg Thomas, priest, and Coordinator of the Deacon Formation Program; the Rev. Lee Burns, deacon, St. Giles’, Jefferson, and member of the Deacon Formation Program Advisory Council; the Rev. Jeri Williams, deacon, Aroostook Episcopal Cluster; and the Rev. Jessie Drysdale, deacon, Church of the Good Shepherd.
    After introductions and opening prayer, the group shared hopes,  expectations, and concerns.  There was discussion of our understandings of deacons and diaconal ministry, our commonalities and differences. We learned from one another about differences in polity and came to understand how these differences impact formation and ministry. Topics for discussion were discernment, formation process, how we might share post-ordination formation and education, and the possibility of combined retreats.  Eager discussions took place over lunch.  Further talk resumed after lunch including suggestions of next steps.  One of the suggested next steps was a meeting of deacons from New Brunswick and northern Maine next Spring. Tom Nisbett volunteered to coordinate arrangements for such a meeting, possibly at Woodstock, New Brunswick.
    It was a great first meeting with much good will and fellowship.  All agreed that the Holy Spirit was present with us.