Local clubs hold meetings, plan upcoming events

15 years ago

Club to make wreaths        

    PRESQUE ISLE — Preceptor Alpha of Beta Sigma Phi held its November meeting at the Presque Isle Inn and Convention Center on Saturday, Nov. 21.

    Last weekend, members enjoyed shopping in Bangor. Next Sunday, November 29, members interested in making wreaths will meet at Miriam Gregg’s around 1 p.m.
     Members decided to donate a “kitchen basket’ to the Wintergreen Arts Center. Lynn Walton will assemble the basket, and the Arts Center will sell raffle tickets for it during the Kitchen and Bath Shop’s fund-raiser on Dec. 5. Members will drop off items for the basket at Sue Czosnek’s shop (Kitchen and Bath Shop, 2 Reach Rd.) no later than Dec. 1. Suggested items include: recipe cards, homemade preserves, pot holders, decorative napkins, etc.
    Next month’s meeting will be Dec. 10 at Sue Czosnek’s for the Christmas Party, with Cathy Allen co-hosting. Members are to bring a gift for a Yankee swap.
 Probus Club
    PRESQUE ISLE — The Probus Club of Central Aroostook met at Reed Commons at NMCC Thursday, Nov. 19. President Peggy Woodman welcomed guests Claudine Christnot and Pat Graham.  
    Program Chairman Mel Fitzherbert introduced guest speaker Steve Freeman, manager of the Presque Isle Water District. Steve explained testing for lead, copper and bacteria. He told us how the wells on the Reach Rd. are providing most of the water needed by the district. The needs of the Presque Isle Fire Department are well met. The wells can provide up to 2 million gallons of water a day.  
    City zoning has provided a buffer zone around the wells. Steve explained how chlorine, ultraviolet light and natural filtration are used to provide safe drinking water for the city. A question and answer period followed his talk. Mel presented Steve with a certificate of appreciation from the club.
    Janet Snow showed the calendar being sold by the Presque Isle Historical Society. The calendar features churches in the area.
    Joyce Davis and Pearl Carmichael each gave readings. A short business meeting followed with all reports being approved. Mel gave some information on de-mutualized insurance companies.
    Members are urged to bring a guest to the next meeting at 11 a.m. Wednesday, Dec. 9, at Reed Commons. There will be a musical program followed by lunch.