Maine Epsilon Master Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi met Nov. 19, at the home of Marlene Kelley. Tammy Walton introduced Kelley Fox Gumprecht and her daughter Casey, who presented a program about Ryan’s Heart, a non-profit organization founded by the Fox family after the untimely death of Ryan A. Fox. Ryan’s Heart provides support for grieving children and their families with grief workshops and special keepsake tote bags for the bereaved children.
As a service project, members brought children’s books to give to Northern Maine Community College in order to support their program of distributing books at the Dec. 5 holiday Light Parade. The chapter will donate a Thanksgiving food basket to a family in need, as well as donate money to the Kiwanis Community Christmas project.
Updates were given on members Julie Ballard and Margaret Coffin.
The next meeting will be Thursday, Dec. 17 at 6:30 p.m. at the home of Nancy Nichols. Members are to bring items to donate to the Sister Mary O’Donnell homeless shelter. Refreshments will be served by the social committee and gifts will be exchanged with Secret Sals.