Community Notebook

15 years ago

Happy Losers gather
ISLAND FALLS — On Dec.16, the Happy Losers held their weekly meeting at the Congreational Church vestry in Island Falls. Jackie Pratt, group leader, opened the meeting with the pledge and roll call. We had 11 ladies weigh-in and the same attended our meeting. We had one guest.
    Reports were given by our secretary and treasurer for the week. We donated money to the food pantry which we do every year. Riva Hawkes was the person who lost the most weight for the week, and Shirley Sides was runner-up. Great job ladies! We had no program for the week, because of our breakfast and lunch at the Brookside restaurant of which we had a our Christmas Party. It was enjoyed by all.
Please feel welcome to our group every Wednesday at 8-8:45 a.m. for weigh-ins and meeting starts at 9 a.m. Call 365-4884 for more information.

Houlton Council of Catholic Women convene

By Lois Downing
Houlton Council of Catholic Women had its fourth meeting of the year when they met in the parish center on Sunday, Dec. 6, after the 11 a.m. Mass.
Mary Grant, co-president of Council, greeted everyone and we recited the traditional prayers.
Mary Armour was present and she declared that she will be a member.
Reports were given by Bernette Roach, Jane Stile and Lois Downing. We had a luncheon break. Rev. Dave Raymond led the grace before the meal. The food table was decorated with the Christmas colors, red and green.
Booklets from the Aroostook Area Agency on Aging containing pertinent health information and they were available for our use.
Margaret Casey ordered the kitchen mats and no more are needed at this time. A discussion on a needed freezer took place.
Cruz-Cruz reported on the financial numbers for the International Dinner. It was very successful and the money was given to the fuel fund. She listed her new phone number as 538-8892.
Two hundred and sixty gift tags are on the Giving Tree. We received a sizeable gift to be used for toys, a anonymous giver. Janice Harrigan has had donations from her son in Alaska, Marcie Michaud has knit several pairs of mittens towards the Giving Tree. Jane Stile, Alta Reardon and Mary Grant were all shopping for this project.
Betty Ann Childers is arranging for the Pizza Hut fund raiser, to be held in January, probably January 11, 2010.
Donations were given to the altar for Christmas flowers, and Cary Library.
Lynnette Dobbs had a request from a CLA nursing facility to visit a 62 year old consumer. She listed some facts about her and the request will be filled.
Birthdays and anniversaries were recognized. Betty Ann read the prayers for the priests. Prayer intentions were gathered for those in our hearts and minds.
A Yankee Swap was held during the afternoon with Janet Barker in charge. It was a fun act.
A mystery guest will be on the agenda for the January meeting, Jan. 4.


by Lois Downing
HOULTON — Take Off Pounds Sensibly Chapter 0233 of Houlton met at the Aldergate building on High Street for its Friday, Dec. 18 meeting. Twelve TOPS ladies were weighed; one was KOPS. Lois Downing said the KOPS pledge by herself.
Loser of the week was Denise Kinney; runners-up were Elinor Harvey and Joanne Scott. Reports were given by Joanne Scott and Lois. Lois also won the skinny dish for the week.
Leader Joyce Estey was present and read a Christmas letter from our representative Janice Cote. Charlotte also read some correspondence and she told us about our Christmas contest. It will soon end.
Lois read the dieter’s prayer.
One of the TOPS ladies had charge of the program, taken from the Choice is Mine, TOPS book. Some of the ladies took their BMI (body mass index) before they left for the day. There is no meeting until after the new year.
Weigh-ins are at 8-8:45 a.m. each Friday unless notified. The meeting begins at 9 a.m. and ends an hour later.
If you wish more informatiion, you may call Charlotte Marley at 757-8483 or Betty Ivey at 532-9653. Everybody is welcome.

PattenWomes Club meets

The Patten Women’s Club met on Wednesday, Dec. 16 for a Christmas party and meeting. President Jutta Beyer reported an updated final count for UNICEF. We sent in $617, a high amount for this area.
The winner of the L.L. Bean gift certificate was Donna Patterson of Patten. The women enjoyed refreshments and a Yankee Swap and collected money to donate to the Veteran’s Memorial Library. We also collected donations for the Women’s Shelter in Houlton.
The next meeting will be at Katahdin Elementary School to tour the school library.

Thirty-two members met at the Smoki-Haulers snowmobile club on Dec. 9 for their annual Christmas party.
We had roast pork with all the trimmings and delightful desserts made by the ladies in Senior Citizens. Thanks to the members of the club as the decorations were beautiful.
There was no business meeting, just the Lord’s prayer and flag salute, led by Bob Locke. We had a Yankee swap, which is always a lot of fun.
Attending the event was Tessie Barrett, Geneva Bell, Kathleen Boutilier, David Burpee, Merle and Evelyn Burpee, Bernice Campbell, Roger Ethier, Thelma Flowers, Albine Fox, Arlene Friel, Mildred Gagnon, Marie Gilotti, Sandra and Wendell Holmes, Jackie Kennedy, Mary Lawler, Nancy Lawrence, Ursula Levesque, Bob and Delores Locke, Charlotte Lowell, Don and Charlotte Marley, Larry and Peggy Sanders, Shirley Smith, Jenefine Stevens, Wannetta Townsend, Gladys Conneil, Connie Berry, Ginny Garrett, Shirley Brewer, Sis McLaughlin, Nacie Fowler, Joyce Manship and Donna Furrow.